Seitenleisten-Liste: Vokabular-Inhalt nach Kriterien auflisten und durchlaufen
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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- s
- Saatgut
- Sabellians
- sacraments (1956 - 1997)
- sacrificial pits
- Saddle
- Saddlecloth
- saints
- Sale
- Salt → Salt Stattdessen verwenden: saltssalts
- Salt marsh
- salts
- sanctuary
- Sand
- Sandstone
- sarcophagi
- sarcophagi of Sidon
- Sarcophagus → Sarcophagus Stattdessen verwenden: sarcophagisarcophagi
- Sarmatian
- Sarmatians
- Saucer
- Saw
- Scabbard
- Scaena
- Scaffold pole
- Scaffolding
- Scapula
- Scarf joint
- sceptre
- Schiste
- schmergel
- Science
- Scientist
- scissors
- Scoop → Scoop Stattdessen verwenden: DipperDipper
- Scotia
- screws
- Scythians
- Sea → Sea Stattdessen verwenden: seascapeseascape
- Sea-shore
- seals
- seascape
- seated statues
- Secondary apse
- Secondary room
- Secondary room
- Secondary timbers
- Secret door
- Sector
- Sediment
- Seed
- Semantics
- senatus consulta (untill 1997)
- Separated
- Seriation
- Set within
- Set-square
- Sethians
- Settlement
- Settlement archaeology
- several → several Stattdessen verwenden: architectural members and componentsarchitectural members and components
- several → several Stattdessen verwenden: other languagesother languages
- several → several Stattdessen verwenden: gods and mythological figursgods and mythological figurs
- several → several Stattdessen verwenden: iconographic themesiconographic themes
- several architectural parts → several architectural parts Stattdessen verwenden: architectural sculpturearchitectural sculpture
- several countries → several countries Stattdessen verwenden: Terra sigillata, Samian wareTerra sigillata, Samian ware
- several countries → several countries Stattdessen verwenden: amphoraeamphorae
- several regions (untill 1997) → several regions (untill 1997) Stattdessen verwenden: Terra sigillata, Samian wareTerra sigillata, Samian ware
- several types → several types Stattdessen verwenden: jewelryjewelry
- several types
- several types (untill 1997) → several types (untill 1997) Stattdessen verwenden: fountains (untill 1997 subdivided)fountains (untill 1997 subdivided)
- sewers (up to 1997)
- shackles
- Shaft
- Shaft
- Shaft
- Shaft chamber tomb
- Shaft hole (of axe)
- Shafthole axe
- Shafttube axe
- Shard
- Shear-shaped leaf and dart
- Sheathing
- Sheep
- shells
- shells
- shepherds
- shephers → shephers Stattdessen verwenden: shepherdsshepherds
- Shield
- Ship → Ship Stattdessen verwenden: shipsships
- ship building
- ships
- Shoe (-s)
- Shop
- Shopping arcade
- Shoring
- Short board
- Shoulder
- shows and performances
- shrine
- shrine → shrine Stattdessen verwenden: shrinesshrines
- shrines
- Shutter
- Shuttle
- Side door
- Sill
- Sill
- Silver
- Silver plating
- Simple rafter roof
- Single find
- Single grave culture
- Site director
- Site supervisor
- Skeletal remains
- Skeleton
- skeletons
- skeletrons → skeletrons Stattdessen verwenden: skeletonsskeletons
- slate-clay
- Slaughter house
- slaves
- Sliding doors
- Sling
- Slip
- Sloping
- Small slab
- Smelting
- Social collective entities
- social collective entities (BBT) → social collective entities (BBT) Stattdessen verwenden: Social collective entitiesSocial collective entities
- soda
- Sofa capital
- Soffit
- Soffit coffer
- Soft cultural forms
- Solid step
- sources
- South
- Spalling-hammer
- Spandrel
- Spandrel step
- Speaker's platform
- speakers
- Special burial
- Sperone
- Spinario
- Spindle whorl
- Spinning-distaff
- Spinningwheel
- Spiral
- Spiral
- Spiral pattern
- Spit
- Spliced joint
- spoons
- Spout fountain
- Spread footing
- Spreading capital
- Spring
- Springing
- Spur
- Square
- Square
- Square
- stable
- stadia
- stadium → stadium Stattdessen verwenden: stadiastadia
- Stage
- stair
- Stalk
- Stalk
- stamps (untill 1997)
- Stand-ring
- standards
- Star → Star Stattdessen verwenden: stars and zodiacstars and zodiac
- stars and zodiac
- State → State Stattdessen verwenden: state economystate economy
- state economy
- Statistics
- Statue
- Statue
- statue from Mozia
- statues of men
- statues of women
- Steel
- Stem
- Step tomb
- Step-topped podium
- Stepped foundation
- Stepped fountain
- Stepped ramp
- Stile
- still lifes
- Stirrup-framed leaf and dart
- Stoa
- Stone axe
- Stone chip floor
- stones
- Stopped
- stoppers
- store building
- store buildings → store buildings Stattdessen verwenden: store buildingstore building
- Straight
- Strap handle
- Stratigraphy
- street
- Street of tombs
- street signs
- stretchers and litters
- strigilis
- Stringer footing
- Stroke ornament
- Stroke pattern
- Stroke-Ornamented Pottery
- Structural parts of material objects
- structural parts of material objects (BBT) → structural parts of material objects (BBT) Stattdessen verwenden: Structural parts of material objects Structural parts of material objects
- Strut
- stucco
- Stud
- study
- stylites
- Stylobate
- Subsidiary- burial
- Subsoil
- Substratum → Substratum Stattdessen verwenden: MaterialsMaterials
- Substruction
- Suburb
- sulphur
- Sumerology
- Support
- Support
- supporting figures
- Survey
- Survey
- Surveyor
- survival (1956 - 1997)
- Suspended ceiling
- Sweat bath
- Sword
- Sword beater
- symplegma groups
- synagogue
- synagogues → synagogues Stattdessen verwenden: synagoguesynagogue
Informationen zum Vokabular
Titel Thesaurus
Ancient History
Archaeology of Late Antiquity
Archaeology of Non-European Cultures
Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
Building Research
Classical Archaeology
Classical Studies
Conservation of Cultural Heritage
European Archaeology
Prehistoric Archaeology
Provincial Roman Archaeology
The Thesaurus brings together and harmonises all thesauri and vocabularies of the libraries and the projects of the German Archaeological Institute. It was developed between 2015 and 2019, since 2020 it is continuously updated and implemented. The core structure is based on the BBT.
Annika Kirscheneder
Camilla Colombi
Elenore Pape
Gabriele Rasbach
Henriette Senst
Lena Vitt
Matthias Block
Nina Dworschak
Reinhard Förtsch
Sabine Thänert
Ayla Lang
Thomas Tews
Anzahl Ressourcen nach Typ
Typ | Anzahl |
Anzahl Begriffe nach Sprache
Sprache | Bevorzugte Begriffe | Synonyme | Versteckte Begriffe |