Sidebar listing: list and traverse vocabulary contents by a criterion
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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- Abacus
- Abashevo
- Abaton
- Abbey
- Above superposed
- Absolute dating
- Abutment
- Acacia
- Acanthus
- Acanthus leaf
- Access shaft
- Acculturation
- Achromatic
- Acropolis
- Acroterion → Acroterion Prefer using akroteriaakroteria
- Activities
- activities (BBT) → activities (BBT) Prefer using ActivitiesActivities
- Activity analysis
- acts of manumission (untill 1997)
- Adhesive
- Adhesive → Adhesive Prefer using adhesivesadhesives
- Adhesive tape
- adhesives
- Adjacent
- administration
- Administrative centre
- Adobe
- Adobe
- Adult (female oder male)
- Advanced civilisation
- Adze
- Aedicula tomb
- Aedicule
- Aegaean
- Aegyptiaca
- Aerial photography
- Afanasyevo
- Africano
- Agora
- Agricultural part
- agriculture
- agriculture
- Air hole
- Air shaft
- Aisle
- Akkadian studies
- akroteria
- alabaster
- albumin
- Alcove
- Aligned
- Allegory
- Alliance
- alluvial
- Alluvium
- alphabets (untill 1997)
- altar
- Altar platform
- Altar table
- Altar tomb
- Altar with antae
- Altar with bucrania
- altars → altars Prefer using altaraltar
- altars → altars Prefer using church altarschurch altars
- alum
- Amazonomachy
- amber
- Ambulatory
- Ametrites
- Amphibian
- Amphiprostyle temple
- Amphitheatre
- Amphora → Amphora Prefer using amphoraeamphorae
- Amphora handle floor
- amphorae
- Amulet
- Analogous
- Anathyrosis band
- anchor
- ancient Middle East → ancient Middle East Prefer using in generalin general
- Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology
- angels
- Angle akroterion
- Angle contraction
- Angle filler
- Angle joint
- Angle tie
- Animal → Animal Prefer using animalsanimals
- Animal disturbance
- animal fight
- animals
- Animate being
- Annex
- Annex
- Annulet
- anonymous portraits → anonymous portraits Prefer using portraitportrait
- Anta
- Anta capital
- Antefix
- antefixes and roof revetments
- Anteroom
- Anthropomorphic
- antique technical terms
- Antiquities
- Antler
- Anvil
- Apartment
- Apartment block
- Apex
- Apostles
- apotheosis
- apotropaia
- apotropaic
- apoxyomenos
- Applied
- Applique → Applique Prefer using appliquesappliques
- appliques
- Apse
- Aquarelle
- aquatic deities
- aqueduct
- Aqueduct (bridge) → Aqueduct (bridge) Prefer using aqueductaqueduct
- Arc fibula or broach
- Arcade
- Arcade
- Arcading
- Arch
- Arch
- Arch band
- Arch pattern
- Archaeo-metallurgy
- Archaeobotany
- Archaeological site
- Archaeologist
- archaeology
- Archaeomagnetism
- Archaeometry
- Archaeozoology
- Archbuttress
- Arched roof
- Architect
- architects
- Architectural elements
- architectural members and components
- architectural sculpture
- architectural terracottas
- architecture
- architecture → architecture Prefer using buildingsbuildings
- Architrave
- Archive building
- Archive building
- Archivolt
- Arcosolium
- Arcuated lintel
- Area
- Area
- area-covering
- Arena
- Arianism
- Arm-guard
- Armour
- arms
- arms → arms Prefer using military equipmentmilitary equipment
- arms (untill 1997 subdivided) → arms (untill 1997 subdivided) Prefer using military equipmentmilitary equipment
- Arretine
- Arrow
- Arrow slit
- Artefact
- Arterial canals
- artificial grotto
- artificial grottos → artificial grottos Prefer using artificial grottoartificial grotto
- Artisan → Artisan Prefer using craftsmencraftsmen
- Artitst
- Arts and crafts
- asbestos
- Ash
- Ash altar
- Ash urn → Ash urn Prefer using urnsurns
- Ash-tree
- Ashlar
- Ashlar
- Ashlar masonry
- asphalt
- assemblies of the gods
- associations
- associations
- Astragal
- astragalizontes
- At ground level
- Atelier
- athlets
- Atlatl
- Atrium
- Attached
- Attire → Attire Prefer using clothingclothing
- attributes
- auctions
- Auger
- authepsa
- Aviary
- Awl
- Awning
- Axe
- Axe
- Axe-pick
- Axial intercolumniation
- Axis
- Azure
- Azurite
Vocabulary information
Title Thesaurus
Ancient History
Archaeology of Late Antiquity
Archaeology of Non-European Cultures
Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
Building Research
Classical Archaeology
Classical Studies
Conservation of Cultural Heritage
European Archaeology
Prehistoric Archaeology
Provincial Roman Archaeology
The Thesaurus brings together and harmonises all thesauri and vocabularies of the libraries and the projects of the German Archaeological Institute. It was developed between 2015 and 2019, since 2020 it is continuously updated and implemented. The core structure is based on the BBT.
Annika Kirscheneder
Camilla Colombi
Elenore Pape
Gabriele Rasbach
Henriette Senst
Lena Vitt
Matthias Block
Nina Dworschak
Reinhard Förtsch
Sabine Thänert
Ayla Lang
Thomas Tews
Date issued
Resource counts by type
Type | Count |
Term counts by language
Language | Preferred terms | Alternate terms | Hidden terms |