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Angaben zum Begriff

geometric extents > linear extents

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

0000053linear extents  


  • This term classifies one-dimensional shapes on a surface that are either straight or curved and can be defined by a connected series of unique x,y coordinate pairs/points forming a continuous path. The said points are all contained in it [1], [2]. Linear extents can be used to show the geometry of linear features such as roads, rivers, contours, footpaths, flight paths and so on. NOTE: The kind of physical feature, built environment or geopolitical unit -or part thereof, f.i. a mountain range, a road, a border between two countries -providing the linear extent can be specified by coordinating this term with the suitable feature type, such as “linear extents of physical features/ built environments/ geopolitical units”. [1] [2]

Gehört zur Gruppe


  • BBT maintenance WG


  • 0000053

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