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000005types of epochs  


  • Narrower term examples: "geological epochs", "epochs of Art", "epochs of technology"


  • This term classifies cultural, social, intellectual phenomena consistent with each other thus creating intelligible unities. These phenomena are spatially and temporally limited and their consistency relies on the appearance of at least one qualitative element that links them in a unity. The spatial and temporal restriction is a formal feature of the facet “types of epochs”. That means that this term has no reference to specific realizations of these types of phenomena. Consequently, this term does not include time periods such as the Renaissance or the Roman period, or the period of the Balkan wars etc., but their categorization, i.e. the abstract concepts by virtue of which it is possible to conceive the cultural, social and intellectual phenomena as coherent.

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  • BBT maintenance WG


  • 000005

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