Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

material things > structural parts of material objects

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

000020structural parts of material objects  


  • Narrower term examples: "strings", "bases (object components)"


  • This class classifies objects especially constructed to be parts of a complex material object. These objects have autonomy in relation to the complex object of the appropriate type, to which they are intended to be added. Despite their autonomy, however, they are not independent in terms of their intended function, but are structural parts of the object, ie they have a specific function within the module to which they belong and which they form. Note: The structural parts of the material things are not considered narrower terms of the aggregation to which they belong.

Gehört zur Gruppe


  • BBT maintenance WG


  • 000020


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