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Angaben zum Begriff

conceptual objects > symbolic objects

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

000021symbolic objects  


  • Narrower term examples: "information objects ","structural parts of information objects"


  • This term classifies identifiable symbols and/or any aggregation of symbols, that have an objectively recognizable structure and that are documented as single units (sets or arrays of signs). Symbolic objects may serve to designate something, or to communicate some propositional content, but they don’t depend on what they designate or communicate. They can exist on one or more carriers simultaneously without this feature adding to or removing from the identity of the symbols. Being objectively recognizable and documented as single units, symbolic objects are independent of the material carrier and the symbolized content as well. Consequently symbolic objects may or may not have a specific meaning.

Gehört zur Gruppe


  • BBT maintenance WG


  • 000021

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