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  • Pantalone is the most prominent representative of the elderly types of Commedia dell’ arte, depicting the Venetian merchant. Jealous, stingy, and bitter, he derives his origin from the senex in Roman comedy and reproduces all the frailties of the elderly of every age and of his society. Strict and adherent of the absolute paternal authority in the family, a cunning husband, he relents in the end and accepts the love choice of his child. Respectful towards the priests and practicing confession, he secretly maintains a flexible and convenient morality, lending money with enormous interest or squandering it on mistresses.


  • Henke 2002
  • Rudlin 1994
  • Σιδηροπούλου 2015


  • Vernardaki Eleni (AA)


  • Goulis Helen (AA)


  • 2306

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