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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- background level
- background noise
- background radiation
- bacterial bed
- bactericide
- bacteriological pollution
- bacteriology
- bacterium
- balance (economic)
- balance of matter
- balancing of interests
- bank (land)
- bank protection
- banking
- Barents Sea
- barium
- barrier beach
- barrier reef
- base (chemical)
- baseline monitoring
- basic food requirement
- basicity
- basidiomycete
- bastardisation of fauna
- bastardisation of flora
- batch process
- bathing freshwater
- bathing seawater
- bathing water
- bathing water directive
- bathing water legislation
- battery
- battery disposal
- bay
- beach
- beach cleansing
- beaching
- bee
- bee conservation
- beef cattle
- beetle
- behaviour
- behaviour of substances
- behaviour pattern
- behavioural change
- behavioural science
- below-ground biomass
- below-ground biomass growth
- beneficial organism
- benthic division
- benthic ecosystem
- benthos
- benzene
- benzopyrene
- beryllium
- beta radiation
- beverage
- beverage industry
- bibliographic information
- bibliographic information system
- bibliography
- bicycle
- big game
- bilateral convention
- bilge oil
- bilge water
- bio desulfurization
- bio-availability
- bioaccumulation
- bioaccumulative pollutant
- biocapacity
- biochemical method
- biochemical oxygen demand
- biochemical process
- biochemical substance
- biochemistry
- biocide
- bioclimatology
- biocoenosis
- bioconcentration factor
- biodegradability
- biodegradable pollutant
- biodegradation
- biodiversity
- biodiversity conservation
- biodiversity loss
- biodiversity protection
- bioenergy production
- bioethics
- biofiltration
- biofuel
- biofuel production
- biogas
- biogeochemical cycle
- biogeochemistry
- biogeographical region
- biogeography
- biological activity
- biological analysis
- biological attribute
- biological contamination
- biological cycle
- biological development
- biological diversity
- biological effect
- biological effect of pollution
- biological engineering
- biological heritage
- biological indicator
- biological monitoring
- biological nitrogen fixation
- biological pest control
- biological pollutant
- biological pollution
- biological process
- biological production
- biological reserve
- biological resource
- biological test
- biological treatment
- biological waste gas purification
- biological waste treatment
- biological wastewater treatment
- biological water balance
- biological weapon
- Biologically degradable waste
- biology
- bioluminescence
- biomarker
- biomass
- biomass burning
- biomass energy
- biomass feedstock
- biophysics
- bioreactor
- biorhythm
- biosafety
- biosphere
- biosphere reserve
- biosynthesis
- biotechnological hazard
- biotechnology
- biotic factor
- biotic index
- biotic interactions
- biotope
- biotope network
- biotope order
- biotope protection
- bird
- bird of prey
- bird sanctuary
- bird species
- birth control
- bitumen
- black coal
- Black Sea
- blast furnace
- bleaching agent
- bleaching clay
- bleaching process
- blood (tissue)
- blue carbon
- blue growth
- blue-green alga
- boating
- bocage
- bog
- boiler
- boiling point
- book
- bookkeeping
- border
- boreal forest dieback
- boron
- botanical conservatory
- botanical garden
- botany
- bottle cap
- boundary crossing
- boundary layer
- bovid
- bovine
- brackish water
- bradyseism
- branch of activity
- breast milk
- breeding
- breeding bird
- breeding technique
- brewing industry
- brick
- bridge
- broad-leaved tree
- bromine
- brooding
- brook
- brushwood
- bryophyte
- bubble policy (emissions trading)
- budget
- budget policy
- bug
- building
- building area
- building component
- building destruction
- building industry
- building land
- building material
- building materials industry
- building permit
- building planning
- building regulation
- building restoration
- building service
- building site
- building site preparation
- building technology
- building waste
- built drainage system
- built environment
- built structure
- built-up area
- bulb cultivation
- bulky waste
- bulletin board system
- bureaucratisation
- bus
- bus station
- bush clearing
- business
- business activity
- business classification
- business economics
- business organisation
- business policy
- butterfly
- button-cell battery
- by-catch
- by-product
- background level
- background noise
- background radiation
- bacterial bed
- bactericide
- bacteriological pollution
- bacteriology
- bacterium
- balance (economic)
Vocabulary information
GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.0, 2018-07-12T14:49:05.824817+00:00
GEMET, the GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus, has been developed as an indexing, retrieval and control tool for the European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources (ETC/CDS) and the European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen. ( It is provided under CC-BY 2.5 distribution license. This is a modified version that contains skos:broadMatch links from GEMET concepts to BackBoneThesaurus (BBT) concepts.
Resource counts by type
Type | Count |
Term counts by language
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