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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- dairy farm
- dairy industry
- dairy product
- dam
- dam draining
- damage
- damage assessment
- damage from military manoeuvres
- damage insurance
- damage prevention
- danger analysis
- dangerous goods
- dangerous goods law
- dangerous goods regulation
- dangerous installation
- dangerous materials transport
- data acquisition
- data analysis
- data base
- data carrier
- data centre
- data exchange
- data on the state of the environment
- data processing
- data processing law
- data processing system
- data protection
- data recording technique
- dating
- de-inking
- dead organic matter
- debt
- debt service
- decantation
- decay product
- decentralisation
- dechlorination
- decibel
- deciduous forest
- deciduous tree
- deciduous wood
- decision
- decision making support
- decision process
- decision-support system
- declaration of public utility
- decomposition
- decontamination
- decoupling
- decree
- deep sea
- deep sea deposit
- deep sea fishing
- deep sea mining
- deep-sea disposal
- deer
- defence
- defoliation
- deforestation
- degradability
- degradable plastic waste
- degradable waste
- degradation
- degradation of natural resources
- degradation of the environment
- degradation product
- degreasing
- dehydrated sludge
- delegated management
- delinquency
- delta
- demand
- demesnial water
- democracy
- demographic development
- demographic evolution
- demography
- demolition business
- demolition waste
- demonstrability
- dendrochronology
- dendrometry
- denitrification
- denitrification of waste gas
- density
- deposited particulate matter
- deposition
- deregulation
- dermapteran
- desalination
- desalination plant
- desert
- desert climate
- desert locust
- desertification
- desertification control
- design (project)
- desk study
- desorption
- destination of transport
- desulphurisation
- desulphurisation of fuel
- detection
- detector
- detergent
- determination method
- deterrence
- deterrent
- detoxification
- developed country
- developing countries debt
- developing country
- development aid
- development area
- development co-operation
- development model
- development pattern
- development plan
- development planning
- development policy
- devolution
- dialysis
- diatom
- dictionary
- didactics
- diesel engine
- diesel fuel
- differentiation
- diffuse pollution
- diffuse source
- diffusion
- digested sludge
- digester
- digestion (sewage)
- digital image processing technique
- digital land model
- digitising
- diluted acid
- dioxin
- dipteran
- direct discharger
- direct greenhouse gas emissions
- directive
- disabled person
- disaster
- disaster cleanup operation
- disaster contingency plan
- disaster control service
- disaster preparedness
- disaster prevention
- disaster relief
- disaster risk
- disaster zone
- discarded medicinal drug
- discharge legislation
- discharge regime
- disease
- disease cause
- disinfectant
- disinfection
- dispatch note
- dispersion
- dispersion calculation
- displaced person
- disposal of the dead
- disposal of warfare materials
- dissolution
- dissolved inorganic nitrogen
- dissolved organic carbon
- dissolved oxygen
- distillation
- distilling industry
- distortion of competition
- distribution
- distribution area
- distributive trade
- district heating
- district heating plant
- disused military site
- ditch
- doctrine (law)
- document
- document lending
- document type
- documentary film
- documentary system
- documentation
- documentation centre
- dog
- domestic appliance
- domestic fuel
- domestic fuel oil
- domestic material consumption
- domestic noise
- domestic pollution
- domestic trade
- domestic waste
- domestic waste landfill
- domestic waste water
- domesticated animal
- domesticated species
- dosage
- dose
- dose-effect relationship
- draft legislation
- dragonfly
- drainage
- drainage system
- drainage water
- draining
- draught animal
- drawing
- dredged material
- dredging
- drift net fishing
- drilling
- drilling for oil
- drilling installation
- drinking water
- drinking water protection area
- drinking water supply
- drinking water treatment
- drought
- drought control
- drug (medicine)
- drug abuse
- dry cleaning
- dry deposition
- dry farming
- dry lawn
- dry manure management system
- drying
- drying out
- dual economy
- dual waste management
- dumping
- dune
- durable goods
- duration of sunshine
- dust
- dust immission
- dust removal
- dwelling
- dye
- dyke
- dyke reinforcement
- dynamical ice loss
- dairy farm
Vocabulary information
GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.0, 2018-07-12T14:49:05.824817+00:00
GEMET, the GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus, has been developed as an indexing, retrieval and control tool for the European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources (ETC/CDS) and the European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen. ( It is provided under CC-BY 2.5 distribution license. This is a modified version that contains skos:broadMatch links from GEMET concepts to BackBoneThesaurus (BBT) concepts.
Resource counts by type
Type | Count |
Term counts by language
Language | Preferred terms | Alternate terms | Hidden terms |