Sidebar listing: list and traverse vocabulary contents by a criterion
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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- packaging
- packaging waste
- packing industry
- paint
- paint room
- paint shop
- painting business
- palaeoclimatology
- palaeoecology
- palaeontology
- pandemics
- paper
- paper industry
- parameter
- parasite
- parasitology
- park waste
- parking provision
- Parliament
- parliamentary debate
- parliamentary report
- partially halogenated chlorofluorohydrocarbon
- participation
- particle
- particle separator
- passenger transport
- paste-like waste
- pasture
- patent
- path
- pathogen
- pathogenic organism
- pathologic effect
- pathology
- patrimonial management
- pattern of urban growth
- pattern recognition
- pay policy
- peacekeeping
- peat
- peat extraction
- pedagogy
- pedestrian zone
- pedosphere
- penal sanction
- penalty
- penalty for environmental damage
- pentachlorophenol
- per capita data
- perchloroethylene
- percolating water
- peripheral park area
- periphyton
- periurban space
- permafrost ecosystem
- permeability
- permissible exposure limit
- permission
- peroxyacetylnitrate
- persistant organic pollutant
- persistence
- persistence of pesticides
- personal responsibility
- pest
- pest control
- pest infestation
- pesticide
- pesticide control standard
- pesticide pathway
- pet
- petition right
- petrochemical
- petrochemical industry
- petrol
- petroleum
- petroleum consumption
- petroleum geology
- petroleum industry
- pH-value
- phanerogam
- pharmaceutical industry
- pharmaceutical waste
- pharmacokinetics
- pharmacology
- phenol
- pheromone
- philosophy
- phosphate
- phosphate removal
- phosphate substitute
- phosphatic fertiliser
- phosphorus
- photochemical agent
- photochemical effect
- photochemical oxidant
- photochemical pollution
- photochemical product
- photochemical reaction
- photochemical smog
- photodegradation
- photogrammetry
- photograph
- photography
- photosynthesis
- physical alteration
- physical chemistry
- physical conditions
- physical environment
- physical geography
- physical measurement of pollution
- physical oceanography
- physical planning
- physical pollutant
- physical pollution
- physical process
- physical property
- physical science
- physical treatment
- physicochemical analysis
- physicochemical process
- physicochemical purification
- physicochemical treatment
- physics
- physiological change
- physiology
- phytomass
- phytopathology
- phytoplankton
- phytosanitary treatment
- phytosociology
- phytotoxicity
- pickling plant
- piggery
- pilot plant
- pilot project
- pilotage
- pinniped
- pipe
- pipeline
- pixel
- plain
- plan
- plane source
- plankton
- planned urban development
- planning
- planning law
- planning measure
- planning permission
- Planning-Programming-Budgeting System
- plant (biology)
- plant biology
- plant biostimulant
- plant breeding
- plant community
- plant component
- plant disease
- plant ecology
- plant equipment
- plant genetics
- plant health care
- plant heritage
- plant life
- plant physiology
- plant population
- plant production
- plant protection
- plant protection product
- plant reproduction
- plant resource
- plant selection
- plant species
- plant species reintroduction
- plant textile fibre
- plant trade
- plant-specific release
- plantigrade
- planting
- plasma technology
- plastic
- plastic waste
- platinum
- playground
- pleasure cruising
- plutonium
- poaching
- point
- point source
- poison
- poisoning
- polar ecosystem
- polar region
- polder
- police
- police law
- police power
- policy
- policy effectiveness
- policy framework
- policy guideline
- policy implementation
- policy instrument
- policy integration
- policy planning
- political counselling
- political doctrine
- political ecology
- political geography
- political ideology
- political organisation
- political party
- political power
- politics
- pollen
- pollutant
- pollutant absorption
- pollutant accumulation
- pollutant analysis
- pollutant assessment
- pollutant behaviour
- pollutant concentration
- pollutant degradation
- pollutant deposition
- pollutant dispersion
- pollutant distribution
- pollutant elimination
- pollutant emission
- pollutant evolution
- pollutant exposure
- pollutant flow
- pollutant formation
- pollutant immission
- pollutant immobilisation
- pollutant level
- pollutant load
- pollutant migration
- pollutant mobilisation
- pollutant monitoring
- pollutant pathway
- pollutant reduction
- pollutant remobilisation
- pollutant source identification
- polluted matter
- polluted site
- polluter-pays principle
- pollution
- pollution abatement
- pollution abatement equipment
- pollution abatement waste
- pollution control
Vocabulary information
GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.0, 2018-07-12T14:49:05.824817+00:00
GEMET, the GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus, has been developed as an indexing, retrieval and control tool for the European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources (ETC/CDS) and the European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen. ( It is provided under CC-BY 2.5 distribution license. This is a modified version that contains skos:broadMatch links from GEMET concepts to BackBoneThesaurus (BBT) concepts.
Resource counts by type
Type | Count |
Term counts by language
Language | Preferred terms | Alternate terms | Hidden terms |