Concept information
Preferred term
Belongs to group
- gemet:groupCollection (gemet)
Belongs to array
Group members
- acceptable daily intake
- acceptable risk level
- acoustical quality
- acoustic level
- aerobiology
- agricultural biotechnology
- agricultural ecology
- agricultural engineering
- agricultural hydraulics
- agrometeorology
- agronomy
- air quality control
- air quality monitoring
- alignment
- altitude
- Ames test
- analysis
- analysis program
- analytical chemistry
- analytical method
- animal ecology
- animal experiment
- animal genetics
- animal physiology
- AOX value
- applied ecology
- applied research
- applied science
- aquatic ecology
- archaeology
- architecture
- assay
- astronautics
- astronomy
- atmospheric chemistry
- atmospheric correction
- atmospheric model
- atmospheric monitoring
- atmospheric physics
- atmospheric science
- attribute
- automatic detection
- bacteriology
- baseline monitoring
- behavioral sciences
- biochemical method
- biochemistry
- bioclimatology
- bioconcentration factor
- bioethics
- biogeochemistry
- biogeography
- biological analysis
- biological engineering
- biological indicator
- biological monitoring
- biological test
- biology
- biomarker
- biophysics
- biotechnology
- biotic index
- botany
- calculation
- calculation method
- calibration
- calibration of measuring equipment
- carcinogenicity test
- cardiology
- carrying capacity (en)
- cartography
- cause-effect relation
- census survey
- chemical analysis
- chemical engineering
- chemical measurement of pollution
- chemical oceanography
- chemistry
- chorology
- chromatographic analysis
- chromatography
- civil engineering
- climatic experiment
- climatology
- cloning
- cold
- color composition
- colorimetry
- comparative test
- comparison
- coordinate system
- critical level
- critical load
- crystallography
- cultural indicator
- cytology
- data acquisition
- data analysis
- data on the state of the environment
- data processing
- data recording technique
- dating
- decibel
- demonstrability
- dendrochronology
- dendrometry
- desk study
- determination method
- digital image processing technique
- digital land model
- dispersion calculation
- dosage
- dose
- dose-effect relationship
- earth science
- economic data
- economic geography
- economics
- economic theory
- eco-pediatrics
- ecophysiology
- ecosystem analysis
- ecosystem research
- ecotoxicology
- edaphology
- efficiency level
- electrical engineering
- electrokinetics
- electronics
- emission data
- emission forecast
- emission register
- endocrinology
- energy balance
- engineering
- environmental analysis
- environmental chemistry
- environmental data
- environmental economics
- environmental engineering
- environmental index
- environmental indicator
- environmental monitoring
- environmental psychology
- environmental research
- environmental science
- environmental specimen bank
- environmental statistics
- environmental sustainable architecture
- environmental target
- epidemiology
- equivalent dose
- ergonomics
- esthetics
- estuarine biology
- estuarine oceanography
- ethics
- ethnology
- ethology
- evaluation
- evaluation method
- evaluation of technology
- exact science
- experiment
- experimental study
- exploration
- field experiment
- field study
- flood forecast
- fluidics
- food science
- forecast
- forecasting (en)
- foresight (en)
- forest ecology
- forward-looking studies (en)
- freshwater biology
- freshwater monitoring
- futures essay (en)
- gas chromatography
- gene bank
- general chemistry
- genetic engineering
- genetic material (en)
- genetic modification
- genetics
- geodesy
- geography
- geology
- geometric correction
- geomorphology
- geophysics
- geo-referenced data
- geotechnics
- geotechnology
- GIS digital format
- GIS digital technique
- glaciology
- global megatrends (en)
- global model
- gridding
- health-related biotechnology
- hematology
- historical research
- history
- human biology
- human ecology
- human pathology
- human physiology
- human science
- hydraulic engineering
- hydraulics
- hydrobiology
- hydrogeology
- hydrography
- hydrology
- hydrometeorology
- hydrometry
- identification of pollutants
- image classification
- image enhancement
- image filtering
- image processing
- image registration
- immission forecast
- immission limit
- immunoassay
- immunology
- index
- indicator
- indicator of environmental management
- indicator of environmental quality
- industrial production statistics
- innovation
- inorganic chemistry
- integrated pollution control
- interdisciplinary research
- interlaboratory comparison
- interpolation
- interpretation method
- inventory
- inventory of forest damage
- in vitro assay
- in vivo assay
- irreversibility of the phenomenon
- jurisprudence
- laboratory experiment
- laboratory research
- laboratory technique
- laboratory test
- land-based activity
- land ecology
- landscape architecture
- landscape ecology
- latitude
- law (science)
- life science
- limnology
- line
- literature study
- load bearing capacity
- longitude
- long-term experiment
- long-term forecasting
- long-term trend
- loudness
- lysimetry
- macroeconomics
- mapping
- mapping of lichens
- marine biology
- marine ecology
- marine engineering
- marine geology
- marine monitoring
- marker
- materials science
- mathematical analysis
- mathematical method
- maximum admissible concentration
- maximum immission concentration
- measuring
- measuring method
- measuring program
- mechanical engineering
- medical science
- megatrend (en)
- meteorological forecasting
- meteorological parameter
- meteorological research
- meteorology
- method
- methodology
- metrology
- microbiological analysis
- microbiology
- microclimatology
- microelectronics
- microscopy
- mineralogy
- mining engineering
- mining geology
- model
- modeling
- molecular biology
- monitoring
- monitoring criterion
- monitoring data
- monitoring network
- monitoring system
- monitoring technique
- morphology
- municipal engineering
- mutagenicity testing
- mycology
- natural capital accounts (en)
- natural science
- noise analysis
- noise control
- noise level
- noise measurement
- noise monitoring
- noise spectrum
- non-target organism
- nuclear physics
- nuclear test
- oceanography
- olfactometry
- oncology
- operating data
- opinion survey
- organic chemistry
- organisation environmental footprint method (en)
- organoleptic property
- ornithology
- orography
- ozone depletion potential
- paleoclimatology
- paleoecology
- paleontology
- parameter
- parasitology
- pathology
- pattern recognition
- pedagogy
- per capita data
- permissible exposure limit
- petroleum geology
- pharmacokinetics
- pharmacology
- philosophy
- photogrammetry
- physical chemistry
- physical geography
- physical measurement of pollution
- physical oceanography
- physical science
- physicochemical analysis
- physics
- physiology
- phytopathology
- phytosociology
- pixel
- plant ecology
- plant genetics
- plant physiology
- point
- political ecology
- political geography
- pollutant analysis
- pollutant monitoring
- pollutant source identification
- pollution control
- pollution criterion
- pollution indicator
- pollution measurement
- pollution monitoring
- polygon
- population ecology
- product environmental footprint method (en)
- progress line
- psychology
- public attendance
- public benefit inquiry
- public emergency limit
- public inquiry
- public opinion polling
- purifying power
- quality control
- radiation dose
- radiation monitoring
- radiation physics
- radioactive tracer
- radioactive tracer technique
- random test
- rapid test
- raster
- raster to vector
- rate
- recombinant DNA technology
- recording of substances
- reflectometry
- regional statistics
- remote sensing
- reproductive manipulation
- research
- research of the effects
- research project
- residue analysis
- resolution (parameter)
- ringing (wildlife)
- road traffic engineering
- rural architecture
- sampling
- sampling technique
- saprobic index
- scene identification
- science
- scientific dispute
- scientific ecology
- scientific research
- seasonal variation
- sedimentology
- seismic engineering
- seismic monitoring
- selection of technology
- self-monitoring
- sensitivity analysis
- simulation
- sizing
- social analysis
- social equity (en)
- social psychology
- social science
- social survey
- socioeconomics
- sociological survey
- sociology
- software development
- soil analysis
- soil biology
- soil chemistry
- soil mineralogy
- soil science
- sound level
- sound measurement
- space research
- spatial distribution
- spectroscopy
- statistical analysis
- statistical data
- statistical series
- statistics
- stream measurement
- supervised image classification
- survey
- sustainable development indicator
- systems analysis
- systems theory
- taxonomy
- tectonics
- telemetry
- test
- testing guideline
- testing method
- testing of chemicals
- testing of materials
- testing of plant protection products
- theory of the environment
- thermodynamics
- threshold value
- time
- total parameter
- tourist attendance
- toxicological testing
- toxicology
- tracer
- traditional architecture
- traffic engineering
- traffic monitoring
- trajectory
- trend
- trophic ecology
- unsupervised image classification
- urban ecology
- urban study
- vector
- vector to raster
- virology
- volcanology
- waste analysis
- waste gas examination
- waste minimization potential
- waste statistics
- waste water statistics
- water analysis
- water corrosivity
- water monitoring
- water science
- water statistics
- water taste
- weather forecasting
- weather monitoring
- wildlife population statistics
- world biocapacity (en)
- zoology
In other languages