Seitenleisten-Liste: Vokabular-Inhalt nach Kriterien auflisten und durchlaufen
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Begriffe des Vokabulars alphabetisch auflisten
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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- maa (yhtenä neljästä elementistä)
- maa, maailma taivaallisena ruumiina
- maagiset eleet ja tanssit
- maagiset matemaattiset merkit; maagiset numerot, sanat, monogrammit
- maagiset merkit ja esineet (numerot, sanat, jne.)
- maailman neljä aikakautta (kulta-aika, hopea-aika, pronssiaika, rauta-aika); 'Età dell'oro, argento, bronzo, et ferro' (Ripa)
- maailmanalun jumaluudet, perusjumalat ~ klassinen mytologia
- maailmankaikkeuden jakaminen (Jupiterin, Neptunuksen ja Pluton kesken)
- maailmankaikkeuden synty ~ klassinen mytologia
- Maailmankaikkeus, Universumi
- maailmannäyttelyt
- maalaiselämä
- maalaiset, maaseudun asukkaat
- maalaustaide (mukaanlukien kirjankuvitus- ja miniatyyrimaalaus)
- maalaustaide, piirrostaide ja taidegrafiikka
- maaliikenne, liikenne maalla
- maallemuutto
- maaltamuutto
- maan ja hedelmällisyyden jumalat ~ elämä vuorilla ja metsissä
- maan ja hedelmällisyyden jumalat ~ maanviljely
- maan luominen ~ klassinen mytologia
- maan uumenista nouseva peto (Antikristus, 666) ~ Johanneksen ilmestys
- maanalainen, metro
- maanviljelys
- maanviljelys, karjanhoito, puutarhanhoito, jne.
- maaperän saastuminen
- maaseudun autioituminen, maaltapako
- maassamuutto, väestön uusjako
- maatila
- maatila - AA - rakennukset: sisäpuoli
- maatilarakennus osana maisemaa
- maatilarakennus osana maisemaa - II - ideal landscapes
- maavoimat, maajoukot
- Macbeth
- Machaon (son of Aesculapius)
- machicolation ~ fortified city
- machine driven by combustion
- machine driven by human or animal power
- machine driven by nuclear energy
- machine driven by other power
- machine driven by spring
- machine driven by water
- machine driven by wind
- machines, engines ~ crafts and industries
- Macée
- Madness
- Madness - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- madness of Ajax: he slaughters the Greek cattle
- Madonna (eri kuvatyypit: yksin Jeesus-lapsen kanssa)
- Madonna (muiden henkilöiden ympäröimänä)
- Madonna (or Mary alone) on the throne of Solomon, sometimes surrounded by virtues
- Madonna (or Mary without Christ-child) as patroness or protectress, e.g. of a confraternity or lay order
- Madonna (taivaassa, ilmassa, yksin Jeesus-lapsen kanssa)
- Madonna accompanied by saint(s)
- Madonna in a tree
- Madonna in the rose-garden, 'Paradiesgärtlein'
- Madonna kuunsirpillä (mandorlassa) (kutsutaan toisinaan Taivaan Kuningattareksi)
- Madonna of the Rosary
- Madonna on a column, 'Mariensäule'
- Madonna standing (or sitting) on a lion (of Judah)
- Madonna surrounded by a garland of flowers (or fruits)
- Madonna: Mary (standing) with the Christ-child free-standing (or leaning against her)
- Madonna: Mary (standing) with the Christ-child free-standing (or leaning against her) - FF - Mary sitting or enthroned
- Madonna: Mary sitting on the ground, the Christ-child in her lap
- Madonna: Mary standing (or half-length), Christ-child close to her bosom
- Madonna: Neitsyt Maria istumassa tai valtaistuimelle asetettuna, Jeesus-lapsi sylissään
- madot
- madot (NIMEN kanssa)
- madot (NIMEN kanssa) - FF - fabulous animals (sometimes wrongly called 'grotesques'); 'Mostri' (Ripa)
- madot - FF - fabulous animals (sometimes wrongly called 'grotesques'); 'Mostri' (Ripa)
- Maecenas recommends the Arts, symbolized by women, to the protection of Augustus
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - esitykset, joihin klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön NIMI voidaan yhdistää
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön aggressiiviset suhteet
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön ei-aggressiiviset toimet
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön kuolema
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön muotokuva
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön rakkausjutut tai lemmenseikkailut
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön varhaislapsuus ja -nuoruus sekä kasvatus
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - kuolemanjälkeiset tapahtumat ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Maecenas, the friend of Augustus - tarunomaiset, selkeästi legendanomaiset lisäpiirteet ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- maelstrom
- maelstrom - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- Maera changed into a constellation: Maera, Erigone's dog, is changed into a constellation when pining away after the death of Icarius and Erigone
- magic beautification
- magic beautification - AA - naiset
- magic healings
- magic objects and 'apotropaia'
- magic power of music
- magic power of music - CC - ulkoilmassa, ulkona
- magic wand
- magiikka, yliluonnollisuus, okkultismi
- magistracy, judges
- magistracy, judges (with NAME of function)
- Magnanimity; 'Grandezza e robustezza d'animo', 'Magnanimità' (Ripa)
- magneettinen voima
- magnet
- magnetic phenomena
- Magnificence; 'Magnificenza' (Ripa)
- magnifying glass
- magnifying glass - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Mago, Hannibal's brother, displays the golden rings, taken from the Romans during the battle at Cannae, in the Senate of Carthage
- Mahlon and Chilion die in Moab
- Maia (Pleiad)
- maid ~ house personnel
- maiden versus married woman
- maiden, alueiden, vuorien, jokien, jne. maantieteelliset nimet
- maiden, alueiden, vuorien, jokien, jne. maantieteelliset nimet (paitsi kaupunkien ja kylien nimet) (NIMEN kanssa)
- Maidenhood
- maidentrip of a ship
- mail-coach
- mainadi(t), naispuolinen bakkantti (naispuoliset bakkanttit)
- mainos
- mainostaminen
- maintenance and repairs of dwelling
- Maintenance of the Law
- maintenance ~ forest
- maintenance, repair, storage ~ motor vehicles
- maisema
- maisema - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- maisema, jossa silta, viadukti tai akvedukti
- maisema, jossa silta, viadukti tai akvedukti - II - ideal landscapes
- maito
- maitotuotteet
- maitotuotteet ja munat
- maja, mökki, kota
- maja, mökki, kota - AA - rakennukset: sisäpuoli
- majakka
- majatalo, kestikievari, kapakka, pub
- major or sacred orders ~ Eastern, Greek and Russian orthodox churches
- major or sacred orders ~ Roman Catholic Church
- makaava figuuri
- makaava figuuri - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- making a bow to a ruler
- making a bow to a ruler - BB - naishallitsija
- making a feature movie
- making a feature movie - CC - ulkoilmassa, ulkona
- making a testament
- making an animated cartoon
- making an animated cartoon - CC - ulkoilmassa, ulkona
- making an appointment
- making ducts for water, gas and electricity
- making intarsia ~ applied arts
- making marquetry ~ applied arts
- making music and dancing ~ African tribal religions
- making music and dancing ~ American Indian religions
- making music and dancing ~ Australian and Polynesian/Melanesian religions
- making music and dancing ~ Egyptian religion
- making music in church
- making noise during the 'Purim'-service (with rattles, 'Hamandreher', grogger, whenever the name of Haman is pronounced, 'Hamanklopfen')
- making of feather attire
- making of fishing nets
- making of primitive buildings, e.g.: huts
- making of the cross ~ prelude to Christ's death on the cross
- making of wax or clay image
- making the carcass (~ building activities)
- making the given form durable (industrial process)
- making the interior decoration
- making the overground structures (~ building activities)
- making the sign of the cross
- making things or persons invisible
- making toilet
- making toilet - AA - naiset
- making up
- making up - AA - naiset
- Makkabilaiskirjat
- makuaisti, maistaminen (yhtenä viidestä aistista)
- makuaisti, maistaminen (yhtenä viidestä aistista) - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- makuuhuone
- Malachi condemning the corruption of the priests (Malachi 2:1-9)
- Malachi condemning the practice of offering polluted food as sacrifice (Malachi 1:6-14)
- Malachi preaching
- Malachi's prophecies
- Malachi's prophecy of the coming of a messenger of the Lord to the temple (Malachi 3:1-3)
- Malchus is healed by Christ
- male impersonation by actress
- male infant
- male nurse ~ hospital
- male royal bastard
- male royal bastard - BB - naishallitsija
- male sutler
- male Titans
- Malefactors (not in biblical context)
- Malefactors (not in biblical context) - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects of male persons from the New Testament (not in biblical context)
- Malefactors (not in biblical context) - founder, initiator ~ the New Testament (not in biblical context)
- Malefactors (not in biblical context) - legendary/historical addition to life-story of male persons from the New Testament
- Malefactors (not in biblical context) - other activities, relationships, etc. of male persons from the New Testament
- Malefactors (not in biblical context) - patron, intercessor ~ the New Testament (not in biblical context)
- Malefactors (not in biblical context) - personal devotions of male persons from the New Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Malefactors (not in biblical context) - post-mortem occurrences of male persons from the New Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Malevolence, Maliciousness; 'Malevolenza', 'Malignità', 'Malvagità' (Ripa)
- malli ~ maalaustaide
- malli ~ maalaustaide - CC - ulkoilmassa, ulkona
- maltreatment of the corpse of St. Vincent
- maltreatment of the head of a beheaded person
- maltreatment of the head of a beheaded person - EE - death not certain; wounded person
- Malvina
- man (lover) entering through window
- man (showing himself) undressed, quasi-nude
- man abducting woman
- man abducting woman - DD - woman abducting man
- man above a pit, with seven swords in his body ~ the Seven deadly Sins symbolized
- man accused by woman he has cast off
- man and his shadow
- man and his shadow - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- man and wife quarrelling, 'Marriage à la mode'
- man and woman playing chess, woman wins
- man between Good and Evil
- man disguised as animal
- man doing woman's work
- man dressed as woman, travesty
- man following his shadow
- man following his shadow - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- man hanging from a branch above a pit ~ scene symbolizing 'Vanitas'
- man in flight (one-sided courting)
- man kneeling before his beloved (proposing)
- man kneeling before his beloved (proposing) - DD - proposal by woman (leap-year)
- Man of Sorrows supported or accompanied by mourning angels, 'Engelpietà'
- Man of Sorrows together with Mary
- Man of Sorrows together with Mary and John
- Man of Sorrows together with others
- man presenting his fiancée to his parents
- man presenting his fiancée to his parents - DD - woman presenting her fiancé to her parents
- man struggling with animals as ornamental variant with antithetically placed animals (mostly lions)
- man tormenting animal(s)
- man without shadow
- man without shadow - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Man ~ Community
- Man ~ Community (opposing concepts)
- man-trap, caltrop, spikes ~ obstruction on roads
- manalan jumalat
- Manasseh builds pagan altars in the temple of Jerusalem and worships the stars
- Manasseh practices magic and divination
- Manasseh rebuilds the pagan places of worship and builds altars to Baal
- Manasseh returns to Jerusalem and rules again
- Manasseh sacrifices his own son as a burnt offering
- Manasseh's apostasy
- mandorla
- mandrake, 'mandragora'
- Mandricardo, Tataarian kuningas, Agricanen poika
- Manes (Roman spirits of the dead)
- mangle
- mangling
- mania, obsession
- mania, obsession - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- manicure
- manicure - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- manikin, dummy-figure
Informationen zum Vokabular
Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world.
Contains information from Iconclass, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).
Letzte Änderung
tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00