Seitenleisten-Liste: Vokabular-Inhalt nach Kriterien auflisten und durchlaufen
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Begriffe des Vokabulars alphabetisch auflisten
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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- yale, 'éale'
- yawning
- yawning - BB - ulkona
- ydinaseet, biologiset ja kemialliset aseet
- year divided into five seasons
- year divided into five seasons ~ human activities
- year divided into five seasons ~ landscapes
- year divided into five seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes)
- year divided into five seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits
- year divided into six seasons
- year divided into six seasons (first series)
- year divided into six seasons (second series)
- year divided into six seasons ~ human activities
- year divided into six seasons ~ human activities (first series)
- year divided into six seasons ~ human activities (second series)
- year divided into six seasons ~ landscapes
- year divided into six seasons ~ landscapes (first series)
- year divided into six seasons ~ landscapes (second series)
- year divided into six seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes)
- year divided into six seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits
- year divided into six seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (first series)
- year divided into six seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (second series)
- year divided into three seasons
- year divided into three seasons (first series)
- year divided into three seasons (second series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ human activities
- year divided into three seasons ~ human activities (first series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ human activities (second series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ landscapes
- year divided into three seasons ~ landscapes (first series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ landscapes (second series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes)
- year divided into three seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (first series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (first series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (second series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (second series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits
- year divided into three seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (first series)
- year divided into three seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (second series)
- year divided into two seasons
- year divided into two seasons ~ human activities
- year divided into two seasons ~ landscapes
- year divided into two seasons ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes)
- year divided into two seasons ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits
- year, solar year
- yhteiskunnalliset palvelut, infrastruktuuri
- yhteiskunta, sivilisaatio, kulttuuri
- yhteiskunta- ja talouselämä, liikenne ja tietoliikenne
- yhteiskuntaelämä
- yhteisöt, yhdyskunnat, ryhmät
- yksipuolinen kosiskelu
- yksisarvinen
- yksittäiset nimetyt kentaurit
- yksittäiset nimetyt nymfit
- yksittäiset nimetyt nymfit (NIMEN kanssa)
- yksittäiset nimetyt nymfit: Amalthea
- yksittäiset nimetyt nymfit: Corycia
- yksittäiset nimetyt nymfit: Echo
- yksittäiset nimetyt satyyrit
- yksityiset juhlat, iloinen seurue
- yksityiset juhlat, iloinen seurue - AA - juhlat ulkona, 'fête champêtre'
- yleinen tie
- yleinen tie - II - ideal city
- yleinen turvallisuus
- yleiset julkiset juhlat
- yleiset julkiset juhlat - AA - festivities on the water
- Yleiskäsitteet
- yleisurheilu, voimistelu
- ylihuomenna
- yliluonnollinen valo
- yliluonnollisia voimia omaavat ihmiset
- yliluonnollisia voimia omaavat ihmiset (NIMEN kanssa)
- yliluonnollisia voimia omaavat ihmiset (NIMEN kanssa) - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- yliluonnollisia voimia omaavat ihmiset - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- yliopisto
- ympyrä (~tasogeometria, geometria)
- ympäristön puhdistus
- ympäristön saastuminen
- ympäristön tuhoaminen
- ympäristönsuojelu
- yoke
- young Orestes, son of Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra, is saved from his father's murderers by his nurse Arsinoe or his sister Electra, and brought to King Strophius
- young versus old age; young and old
- youth of Anna
- youth of Bartholomew
- youth of Esau and Jacob: Esau, Isaac's favourite, becomes a skilled huntsman, while Jacob, Rebekah's favourite, becomes a husbandman
- youth of Stephen
- Youth, Adolescence, 'Iuventus'; 'Adolescenza', 'Gioventù' (Ripa)
- yoyo
- yrttitarha
- ystävykset
- Ystävyys; 'Amicitia' (Ripa)
- ystävälliset suhteet
- yö
- yö ~ maisema (toisinaan nimeltään 'Nox')
- yökerho, tanssihalli
- yön personifikaatio, 'Nox'; 'Notte', 'Carro della notte', 'Serenità della notte' (Ripa)
Informationen zum Vokabular
Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world.
Contains information from Iconclass, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).
Letzte Änderung
tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00