Suche im Vokabular

Sprache der Inhalte

Angaben zum Begriff

... > Human Being, Man in General > man in a general biological sense > mind, spirit > fool, simpleton, numskull > ways pretending to cure simpletons (folklore) > baking the head, e.g. by the baker of Eeclo (heads temporarily replaced by cabbages)

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

31B812baking the head, e.g. by the baker of Eeclo (heads temporarily replaced by cabbages)  


  • baker
  • baking
  • biology
  • cabbage
  • Eeclo (baker of)
  • folklore
  • fool
  • head
  • healing
  • human being
  • mind
  • numskull
  • simpleton
  • spirit


  • 31B812


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