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... > Bible > Old Testament > the time of the Judges > Judges 6-12 > the time of Gideon (Jerubbaal) ~ the book of Judges > the story of Abimelech, king of Shechem (Judges 9) > the tower of Thebez; death of Abimelech > after taking the city of Thebez, Abimelech tries to burn the tower in which the inhabitants have taken refuge

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71F21881after taking the city of Thebez, Abimelech tries to burn the tower in which the inhabitants have taken refuge  


  • Abimelech (king of Shechem)
  • bible
  • capturing (city)
  • death
  • Gideon
  • Israelites
  • judge
  • Judges
  • Judges 06-12
  • Judges 09
  • king
  • Old Testament
  • refuge
  • setting on fire
  • Shechem
  • Thebez
  • tower


  • 71F21881


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