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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > gods ~ classical mythology > the great goddesses of Heaven, and their train > (story of) Minerva (Pallas, Athena) > aggressive, unfriendly activities and relationships of Minerva > Minerva rejects the crow (i.e. Coronis metamorphosed) because it had revealed to her the disobedience of the daughters of Cecrops, and she chooses the owl (i.e. Nyctimene metamorphosed) as her attendant

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

92C244Minerva rejects the crow (i.e. Coronis metamorphosed) because it had revealed to her the disobedience of the daughters of Cecrops, and she chooses the owl (i.e. Nyctimene metamorphosed) as her attendant  


  • aggression
  • ancient history
  • choosing
  • classical antiquity
  • Coronis
  • crow
  • fighting
  • goddess
  • gods
  • heaven
  • history
  • Minerva
  • mythology
  • Nyctimene
  • owl
  • quarrelling
  • rejecting
  • unfriendliness


  • 92C244


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