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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > (story of) Perseus > most important deeds: Perseus' conquest of Medusa > Perseus beheading Medusa > Perseus beheading Medusa, with Pegasus, and possibly also Chrysaor, the warrior with the golden sword, springing from the blood of Medusa's head

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

94P331Perseus beheading Medusa, with Pegasus, and possibly also Chrysaor, the warrior with the golden sword, springing from the blood of Medusa's head  


  • ancient history
  • beheading
  • blood
  • Chrysaor
  • classical antiquity
  • gold
  • Greek legend
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • history
  • legend
  • Medusa
  • mythology
  • Pegasus
  • Perseus
  • soldier
  • sword


  • 94P331


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