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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > (story of) Orion > suffering, misfortune of Orion > Orion, while asleep, is blinded by Oenopion > Cedalion, Vulcan's apprentice, carried on Orion's shoulders, leads him over land and sea

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

94Q612Cedalion, Vulcan's apprentice, carried on Orion's shoulders, leads him over land and sea  


  • ancient history
  • blindness
  • carrying on the shoulders
  • Cedalion
  • classical antiquity
  • Greek legend
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • history
  • leading
  • legend
  • misfortune
  • mythology
  • Oenopion
  • Orion
  • sleeping
  • suffering


  • 94Q612


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