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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > Christ > legends and devotions ~ Christ > legends ~ Christ > the prophecy of Basilides: on his way to Jerusalem, emperor Titus consults Basilides the Carmelite, who shows him a vision of God the Father with the dead Christ

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11D414the prophecy of Basilides: on his way to Jerusalem, emperor Titus consults Basilides the Carmelite, who shows him a vision of God the Father with the dead Christ  


  • Basilides
  • Carmelites
  • Christ
  • Christian religion
  • corpse
  • emperor
  • God
  • Jerusalem
  • legend
  • prophesying
  • religion
  • showing
  • supernatural
  • Titus (Emperor)
  • vision


  • 11D414


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