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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > the twin-brothers Cosmas and Damian(us), martyrs and physicians; possible attributes: box of ointment, cap, gown, lancet, pestle and mortar, urinal > miraculous activities and events ~ St. Cosmas & Damian > St. Cosmas and Damian amputate the leg of a white patient, and graft on to the stump the leg of a Moor; the patient recovers to find that he has one white leg and a brown one

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11H(COSMAS & DAMIAN)51St. Cosmas and Damian amputate the leg of a white patient, and graft on to the stump the leg of a Moor; the patient recovers to find that he has one white leg and a brown one  


  • amputation
  • black and white
  • box (container)
  • Christian religion
  • Cosmas (St.)
  • cutting off
  • Damian (St.)
  • doctor's cap
  • gown
  • grafting
  • lancet
  • leg
  • martyr
  • Moor
  • mortar
  • negro
  • ointment
  • pestle
  • physician
  • religion
  • saint
  • sick person
  • stump
  • supernatural
  • surgical instruments
  • twin
  • urinal


  • 11H(COSMAS & DAMIAN)51


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