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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > the hermit Onuphrius; possible attributes: chalice and host, cross, crown (or coins), at his feet, raven, two lions > early life of St. Onuphrius > ordeal by fire of the new-born St. Onuphrius: the child is held in a burning fire, but comes out unharmed and thus proves its legitimacy

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11H(ONUPHRIUS)21ordeal by fire of the new-born St. Onuphrius: the child is held in a burning fire, but comes out unharmed and thus proves its legitimacy  


  • baby
  • burning alive
  • chalice
  • Christian religion
  • coin
  • cross
  • crown
  • hermit
  • Host
  • illegitimate child
  • legitimation
  • lion
  • Onuphrius (St.)
  • ordeal
  • raven
  • religion
  • saint
  • supernatural
  • two
  • unharmed


  • 11H(ONUPHRIUS)21


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