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Angaben zum Begriff

Religion and Magic > Christian religion > prophets, sibyls, evangelists, Doctors of the Church; persons ~ the Bible (not in biblical context) > the twelve apostles (as a group), usually with books or scrolls (not in biblical context) > the twelve apostles (as a group), usually with books or scrolls (not in biblical context) - II - the apostles with Matthias instead of Judas Iscariot

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11II3the twelve apostles (as a group), usually with books or scrolls (not in biblical context) - II - the apostles with Matthias instead of Judas Iscariot  


  • apostle
  • book
  • Christian religion
  • group
  • Matthias (St.)
  • Paul (St.)
  • religion
  • scroll
  • substitution
  • supernatural
  • twelve


  • 11II3


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