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... > Bible > Old Testament > Genesis: the patriarchs > story of Abraham > story of Abraham (part I) > the battle of the kings and the rescue of Lot (Genesis 14:1-17) > the king of Elam and three allied kings defeat the five rebellious kings of the Pentapolis; in flight, two of the five kings fall into lime-pits and the three others escape to the mountains

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71C1162the king of Elam and three allied kings defeat the five rebellious kings of the Pentapolis; in flight, two of the five kings fall into lime-pits and the three others escape to the mountains  


  • Abraham
  • bible
  • escaping
  • falling
  • fleeing
  • Genesis
  • Genesis 14
  • lime
  • Lot
  • mountain
  • Old Testament
  • patriarch
  • pit
  • victory


  • 71C1162


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