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... > Bible > Old Testament > the time of the Judges > Judges 1-5 > the time of Deborah and Barak (Judges 4-5) > story of Jael and Sisera > Jael kills the sleeping Sisera by hitting the nail through his temples

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71F1544Jael kills the sleeping Sisera by hitting the nail through his temples  


  • Barak
  • bible
  • Deborah (Judge)
  • hammer
  • head
  • Israelites
  • Jael
  • judge
  • Judges
  • Judges 01-05
  • Judges 04-05
  • killing
  • nail (spike)
  • Old Testament
  • peg
  • Sisera
  • sleeping
  • temples


  • 71F1544


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