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most important deeds: the quest of Theonoe, Thestor's daughter, and sister to Calchas > when Leucippe, dragging Thestor after her, is about to kill Theonoe, the latter recognizes her father and her sister; Icarus sends them home laden with gifts

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

95B(THEONOE)37when Leucippe, dragging Thestor after her, is about to kill Theonoe, the latter recognizes her father and her sister; Icarus sends them home laden with gifts  


  • ancient history
  • Caria
  • classical antiquity
  • daughter
  • dragging
  • father
  • father and daughter
  • gift
  • Greek legend
  • heroic legend
  • heroine
  • history
  • Icarus of Caria (King)
  • legend
  • Leucippe (daughter of Thestor)
  • mythology
  • recognizing
  • searching
  • sister
  • Theonoe
  • Thestor


  • 95B(THEONOE)37


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