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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > classical history > male persons from classical history > male persons from classical history (with NAME) > (story of) Antiochus I (Soter) > suffering, misfortune of Antiochus I (Soter) > Antiochus I (Soter) and Stratonice: by taking Antiochus' pulse when Stratonice enters the room, the physician discovers that the love for his stepmother is the cause of his illness (King Seleucus subsequently hands his kingdom and his wife over to his son)

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

98B(ANTIOCHUS I)61Antiochus I (Soter) and Stratonice: by taking Antiochus' pulse when Stratonice enters the room, the physician discovers that the love for his stepmother is the cause of his illness (King Seleucus subsequently hands his kingdom and his wife over to his son)  


  • ancient history
  • Antiochus I (Soter)
  • classical antiquity
  • classical history
  • continence
  • father
  • father and son
  • Greeks
  • historical person
  • history
  • identity
  • king
  • love unrequited
  • man
  • mother
  • mother and son
  • mythology
  • name
  • physician
  • pulse
  • renouncing
  • Romans
  • Seleucus (King)
  • sick person
  • son
  • stepmother
  • Stratonice


  • 98B(ANTIOCHUS I)61


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