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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > classical history > male persons from classical history > male persons from classical history (with NAME) > (story of) T. Jubellius Taurea > suffering, misfortune of T. Jubellius Taurea > death of T. Jubellius Taurea: he courageously kills his wife and children, and finally himself, before the tribunal of Fulvius Flaccus, to show that he prefers to die rather than benefit from the clemency of the Senate

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98B(JUBELLIUS TAUREA, T.)68death of T. Jubellius Taurea: he courageously kills his wife and children, and finally himself, before the tribunal of Fulvius Flaccus, to show that he prefers to die rather than benefit from the clemency of the Senate  


  • ancient history
  • before
  • child
  • classical antiquity
  • classical history
  • family
  • father
  • father and child
  • Flaccus (Fulvius)
  • Greeks
  • historical person
  • history
  • identity
  • Jubellius Taurea
  • killing
  • man
  • mythology
  • name
  • Romans
  • senate
  • suicide
  • tribunal




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