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Angaben zum Begriff

... > Religion and Magic (en) > kristinusko > Kristus > legends and devotions ~ Christ > legends ~ Christ > legend of the True Cross > the wood is taken from the pool of Bethesda to serve as Christ's cross ~ legend of the True Cross

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11D4114the wood is taken from the pool of Bethesda to serve as Christ's cross ~ legend of the True Cross  


  • allas
  • Betesdan allas
  • haara
  • Helena (Pyhä)
  • kristinusko
  • Kristus
  • lammikko
  • legenda
  • oksa
  • puinen
  • puu
  • Pyhän ristin legenda
  • pyhimystaru
  • risti
  • tiedon puu (hyvän ja pahan)
  • uskonto
  • varpu
  • yliluonnollinen


  • 11D4114


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