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... > klassinen mytologia ja antiikin historia > jumalat ~ klassinen mytologia > Taivaan alemmat jumaluudet ~ ilman ja taivaan piiri > Aurora (Eos) (Auroran taru); 'Aurora' (Ripa) > specific aspects, allegorical aspects of Aurora; Aurora as patroness > triumph of Aurora: in her chariot drawn by two (sometimes four) horses, and possibly scattering flowers; Aurora's victory over the night; 'Carro dell'Aurora' (Ripa)

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

92E178triumph of Aurora: in her chariot drawn by two (sometimes four) horses, and possibly scattering flowers; Aurora's victory over the night; 'Carro dell'Aurora' (Ripa)  


  • aamu
  • aamun personifikaatio
  • allegoria
  • Aurora
  • Carro dell'Aurora
  • hevonen
  • historia
  • ilma
  • jumalat
  • jumalatar
  • kilpavaunut
  • klassinen antiikin kausi
  • kukka
  • kylväminen
  • levittäminen
  • muinaishistoria
  • mytologia
  • ratsu
  • Ripa
  • sotavaunut
  • suojelija
  • taivas
  • triumfi
  • vaunut


  • 92E178


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