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klassinen mytologia ja antiikin historia > Kreikan sankaritarut (I) > Theseus (Theseuksen taru) > non-aggressive, friendly or neutral activities and relationships of Theseus > Theseus is received amicably by Hecale (Hecalene) on his return from capturing the bull of Marathon

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

94M51Theseus is received amicably by Hecale (Hecalene) on his return from capturing the bull of Marathon  


  • härkä
  • Hecale(ne) (E)
  • henkilön vastaanottaminen
  • historia
  • klassinen antiikin kausi
  • Kreikan sankaritaru
  • kreikkalainen sankaritaru
  • legenda
  • Marathon
  • muinaishistoria
  • mytologia
  • pyhimystaru
  • sankari
  • sankarilegenda
  • sonni
  • Theseus


  • 94M51


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