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- Daavid (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kruunu, harppu
- Daavid (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kruunu, harppu - other activities, relationships, etc. of male persons from the Old Testament
- Daavid (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kruunu, harppu - post-mortem occurrences of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Daavid ja Batseba (Toinen Samuelin kirja 11-12)
- Dactyls
- Daedalion changed into a hawk: while leaping from a cliff, crazed by the death of his daughter Chione, Daedalion is changed into a hawk by Apollo (Ovid, Metamorphoses XI 339)
- Daedalus builds the Labyrinth for Minos
- Daedalus fashioning a wooden cow for Pasiphae
- Daedalus fixes the wings on Icarus and on himself, and teaches his son how to fly
- Daedalus makes the wings while Icarus looks on
- Dafnen muodonmuutos laakeripuuksi: paetessaan Apolloa Dafne muuttuu laakeripuuksi isänsä Peneuksen toimesta (Ovidius, Metamorfoosit I 548)
- Dafnis (kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa paimen, joka keksi pastoraalirunouden)
- Daidaloksen ja Ikaroksen lento
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru)
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - attribuutit
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - kuolema
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - lapsuus
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - rakkausjutut, lemmenseikkailut
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - syntymä
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - varhaisnuoruus
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Daidalos (Daedalus) (Daidaloksen taru) - voitto
- daily (vocal) prayer by one person
- daily activities in convent
- daily activities in convent, e.g. brewing, writing
- daily life at court
- daily life at court - BB - naishallitsija
- daily life in Nazareth
- daily meals organized by Nehemiah
- daily religious activities in convent
- daily services in the Synagogue ~ Jewish religion
- daily services in the Temple ~ Jewish religion
- daily services ~ Jewish religion
- damage (to a ship)
- Damage, Disservice; 'Danno' (Ripa)
- damaging or destroying a work of art
- damascening, niello-ing ~ applied arts
- dammed-up lake
- dammed-up lake - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - esitykset, joihin klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön NIMI voidaan yhdistää
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön aggressiiviset suhteet
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön ei-aggressiiviset toimet
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön kuolema
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön muotokuva
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön rakkausjutut tai lemmenseikkailut
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön varhaislapsuus ja -nuoruus sekä kasvatus
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - kuolemanjälkeiset tapahtumat ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Damocles, courtier of Dionysius I the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse - tarunomaiset, selkeästi legendanomaiset lisäpiirteet ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Damon, standing bail for his friend Pythias (Phintias), who is sentenced to death, is saved from execution when Pythias returns at the last minute
- Dan (not in biblical context)
- Dan (not in biblical context) - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects of male persons from the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Dan (not in biblical context) - founder, initiator ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Dan (not in biblical context) - legendary/historical addition to life-story of male persons from the Old Testament
- Dan (not in biblical context) - other activities, relationships, etc. of male persons from the Old Testament
- Dan (not in biblical context) - patron, intercessor ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Dan (not in biblical context) - personal devotions of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Dan (not in biblical context) - post-mortem occurrences of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Danae (Danaen taru)
- Danae (Danaen taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Danae (Danaen taru) - attribuutit
- Danae (Danaen taru) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Danae (Danaen taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Danae (Danaen taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Danae (Danaen taru) - lapsuus
- Danae (Danaen taru) - rakkausjutut, lemmenseikkailut
- Danae (Danaen taru) - syntymä
- Danae (Danaen taru) - varhaisnuoruus
- Danae (Danaen taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Danae (Danaen taru) - voitto
- Danae and Perseus taken to King Polydectes
- Danae and Perseus, borne to the island of Seriphos, are found by Dictys, who was fishing there
- Danae is shut up in a bronze tower by her father Acrisius
- Danaidit (Danaidien taru)
- Danaidit kaatamassa vettä reikäiseen astiaan
- dancer (non-work situations)
- dancing around the maypole
- dancing around the tree of liberty
- dancing at wedding feast
- dancing at wedding feast - DD - out of doors
- dancing games (children's games)
- dancing in the air ~ witches' sabbath
- dancing mania, St. Vitus's dance
- dancing mania, St. Vitus's dance - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- dandy, beau
- Danger; 'Pericolo' (Ripa)
- dangerous wild animals ~ restraint of animals
- Daniel (and his friends) asking Melzar for special food
- Daniel (not in biblical context); possible attributes: Phrygian bonnet, lion(s), ram
- Daniel (not in biblical context); possible attributes: Phrygian bonnet, lion(s), ram - founder, initiator ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Daniel (not in biblical context); possible attributes: Phrygian bonnet, lion(s), ram - other activities, relationships, etc. of male persons from the Old Testament
- Daniel (not in biblical context); possible attributes: Phrygian bonnet, lion(s), ram - personal devotions of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Daniel (not in biblical context); possible attributes: Phrygian bonnet, lion(s), ram - post-mortem occurrences of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Daniel and his three friends are educated in the palace by Melzar
- Daniel and King Belshazzar (Daniel 5)
- Daniel and King Cyrus discuss the divine power of a dragon
- Daniel and King Darius (Daniel 6)
- Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar
- Daniel as patron of miners
- Daniel as patron, intercessor
- Daniel as prophet with book or scroll
- Daniel before King Nebuchadnezzar, interpreting his dream
- Daniel before King Nebuchadnezzar, telling him his dream (the great statue that is broken into pieces by a stone)
- Daniel destroys the temple of Bel and its image
- Daniel discussing with Arioch, the captain of King Nebuchadnezzar's guard, who had been sent to kill Daniel and his friends
- Daniel discussing with King Cyrus, the priests of Bel present
- Daniel exposes the elders as deceivers
- Daniel gives food to the dragon; King Cyrus looking on
- Daniel interrogates the elders separately
- Daniel is appointed as one of the three presidents of the kingdom
- Daniel is cast into the lion's den; King Darius seals the stone
- Daniel is honoured: he receives a golden necklace and is appointed as 'the third ruler in the kingdom'
- Daniel is liberated from the lion's den ~ King Cyrus
- Daniel is liberated from the lion's den ~ King Darius
- Daniel is rewarded with gifts and his three friends are appointed as provincial governors
- Daniel is thrown into a lion's den ~ King Cyrus
- Daniel mourning and fasting
- Daniel praying
- Daniel returns to his friends; they pray for revelation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream
- Daniel sees a man clothed in linen appear on the river; his companions do not see the vision, but feel the earth quaking and flee in terror
- Daniel shows King Cyrus the footprints of the priests of Bel and their relatives
- Daniel sitting unharmed in the lion's den, surrounded by lions
- Daniel swoons; he is comforted by a man (angel) who touches Daniel's lips
- Daniel's accusers are thrown into the den and devoured by the lions ~ King Cyrus
- Daniel's first vision (Daniel 7)
- Daniel's punishment and liberation: Daniel in the lion's den ~ King Cyrus
- Daniel's punishment and liberation: Daniel in the lion's den ~ King Darius
- Daniel's thanksgiving prayer
- Daniel's visions (Daniel may be shown having his visions explained, e.g. by the archangel Gabriel)
- Daniel, when brought before King Belshazzar, interprets the writing on the wall
- Daniel, while praying on his knees before an open window, is discovered by the conspirators
- Daniel, who refuses to worship Bel, discusses the power of the god with King Cyrus
- Dante
- Dante, 'Divina Commedia' : Käytä 83(DANTE, Divina Commedia)
- Daphnis changed into a rock: a nymph changes Daphnis the shepherd into a rock, because he was unfaithful to her (Ovid, Metamorphoses IV 276)
- Daphnis, blinded by the nymph, is turned into a stone by Mercury
- Dareioksen perhe polvistuu Aleksanteri Suuren edessä, tämä pyytää Sisigambista, Dareioksen äitiä, nousemaan ylös
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru)
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - esitykset, joihin klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön NIMI voidaan yhdistää
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön aggressiiviset suhteet
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön kuolema
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön muotokuva
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön rakkausjutut tai lemmenseikkailut
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön varhaislapsuus ja -nuoruus sekä kasvatus
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - kuolemanjälkeiset tapahtumat ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Dareios, Persian kuningas (Dareioksen taru) - tarunomaiset, selkeästi legendanomaiset lisäpiirteet ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Darius gives Zerubbabel permission to rebuild the temple
- Darius is chosen king of Persia; his horse is the first to neigh at sunrise
- Darius opens the grave of the Queen of Babylon (either Semiramis or Nitocris)
- Darius the Median conquers Babylon after Belshazzar's death
- Darius' decree of permission
- Darius' proclamation to confess his belief in the 'living God'
- Darius, king of Persia, grants permission to rebuild the temple (Ezra 6:1-12; 1 Esdras 3-4)
- dark ages (historical epoch)
- dark lantern
- dark lantern - GG - female
- dark room
- dark room - CC - ulkoilmassa, ulkona
- darkness from the sixth to the ninth hour (represented by a solar eclipse) ~ Christ's death
- darkness from the sixth to the ninth hour (represented by a solar eclipse) ~ Christ's death - DD - Kristus yksinään ristillä
- darning, patching
- daughter suckling old mother (variation of 'Caritas romana')
- David (one of the nine worthies)
- David accepts the gifts of Abigail; Abigail returns home
- David and Abigail (1 Samuel 25)
- David and Abishai invade Saul's encampment at night, while Saul and his soldiers are sleeping
- David and Bathsheba as lovers
- David and his men march on Nabal
- David and his men weep amidst the ruins of Ziklag
- David and his men weep for the death of Saul and Jonathan, and tear their clothes
- David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 20)
- David and Jonathan embracing; David's leave-taking from Jonathan
- David and Jonathan, son of Saul, become friends
- David and Michal as lovers
- David and Saul reconciled by Jonathan
- David and the house of Saul
- David and the woman of Tekoah
- David and Uriah
- David anointed king by the elders of Israel
- David anointed king by the tribe of Judah
- David appointed life-guard of Achish
- David as a young man at Saul's court
- David as a young man comes to Saul's court with presents
- David as a young man in the Israelite army camp is brought up before Saul
- David as a young man in the Israelite army camp is reproached by his brother Eliab
- David as founder of the fourth world epoch
- David as founder, initiator
- David as harpist at Saul's court (1 Samuel 16:14-23)
- David as judge
- David as musician surrounded by the four seasons, the four elements and the four temperaments ~ Harmony of the Universe
- David as musician, usually playing the harp
- David as patron of musicians
- David as patron, intercessor
- David as prophet, with crown and scroll
- David as psalmist with his four musicians
- David as psalmist, as author of the psalms, usually playing the harp
- David as shepherd
- David ascends the Mount of Olives, weeping, barefoot and his head covered
- David at En-gedi (1 Samuel 24)
- David at Gath
- David at Hachilah (1 Samuel 26)
- David at Keilah
- David at Maon
- David at Mizpah in Moab
- David at Nob (1 Samuel 21:1-10)
- David at Ziklag (1 Samuel 27, 29, 30)
- David back in the wilderness of Maon
- David beheads Goliath with a sword
- David besieges Jerusalem
- David blesses Solomon in the presence of Nathan, Bathsheba and Abishag
- David brings Goliath's head to Saul
- David brings his parents to the king of Moab
- David brings provisions to his brothers, who are with the Israelite army in the valley of Elah
- David brings the ark into Jerusalem, dancing (half-)naked before the ark and making music, while the people rejoice
- David brings the ark into Jerusalem, Michal looking through a window
- David brings the foreskins of two hundred Philistines to Saul as dowry for Michal
- David builds an altar in the threshing-floor of Araunah and burns the offerings to God
- David buries the bones of Saul and Jonathan together with the bodies of the seven descendants of Saul in the sepulchre of Kish
- David carries the ark into the house of Obed-edom
- David chooses five smooth stones from a river ~ story of David and Goliath
- David collects material for building the temple
- David comes to Achish, king of Gath
- David comes to Araunah and buys his treshing-floor and oxen; Araunah kneels before David
- David commands Abishai and Joab to pursue Sheba
- David commands Amasa to assemble an army
- David commands Joab to number the people; Joab raises objections
- David communicating with God
- David communicating with God; David praying (in general)
- David condemns to death the messenger who brought him the message of Saul's death
- David conquers Metheg-ammah (2 Samuel 8:1; 1 Chronicles 18:1)
- David consoles Bathsheba
- David consoles himself over Amnon's death and longs for Absalom
- David consulting Jonathan (in the field); Jonathan pledges his loyalty
- David consulting Jonathan; Jonathan pledges his loyalty
- David crosses the Jordan with his army
- David cuts off a piece of Saul's robe
- David dedicates all the spoils of the Syrians and all the presents of Toi to the Lord
- David defeats Hadadezer
- David defeats the army of Shobach, the ally of the Ammonites
- David defeats the Moabites and measures them with a line; many of them are killed
- David departing from Keilah
Vocabulary information
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Last modified
tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
Date issued
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00