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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- faabeli: Kettu ja korppi
- faabeli: Sammakko ja lehmä
- faabelit
- faabelit (NIMEN kanssa)
- faaraon unet ~ kertomus Joosefista
- faaraon unien tulkinta (Genesis eli 1. Moos. 41:1-36)
- fable of Reynard the Fox
- fable of the Cock and the Pearl
- fable of the Dog on the Bridge
- fable of the Father, Son and Ass
- fable of the Raven and the Scorpion
- fable of the Swan and the Cook
- fabulous algae, seaweed
- fabulous animals ~ amphibians
- fabulous animals ~ amphibians with tail
- fabulous animals ~ arthropods ('pyrausta')
- fabulous animals ~ birds: avalerion
- fabulous animals ~ birds: carabas
- fabulous animals ~ birds: carista
- fabulous animals ~ birds: fire-bird
- fabulous animals ~ birds: hercynian bird
- fabulous animals ~ birds: porphyrion
- fabulous animals ~ birds: roc
- fabulous animals ~ birds: seleucidian bird
- fabulous animals ~ birds: stellinus
- fabulous animals ~ birds: tragopa
- fabulous animals ~ crocodiles
- fabulous animals ~ domestic animals
- fabulous animals ~ domestic birds
- fabulous animals ~ fishes
- fabulous animals ~ flying mammals
- fabulous animals ~ hoofed animals : Use 93D1 Pegasus, the winged horse, or 25FF(WINGED HORSE) for winged horse (not in classical context)
- fabulous animals ~ hoofed animals: bonnacon
- fabulous animals ~ hoofed animals: catoblepas
- fabulous animals ~ hoofed animals: ox with one horn
- fabulous animals ~ hoofed animals: ox with three horns
- fabulous animals ~ lower animals
- fabulous animals ~ mammals
- fabulous animals ~ molluscs
- fabulous animals ~ molluscs (with NAME)
- fabulous animals ~ molluscs: kraken
- fabulous animals ~ monkeys
- fabulous animals ~ ornamental birds
- fabulous animals ~ other birds not meant of mentioned above
- fabulous animals ~ other mammals not meant or mentioned above
- fabulous animals ~ other mammals not meant or mentioned above (with NAME)
- fabulous animals ~ other mammals not meant or mentioned above: lertix
- fabulous animals ~ owls
- fabulous animals ~ predatory animals
- fabulous animals ~ predatory animals (with NAME)
- fabulous animals ~ predatory animals: crocotas
- fabulous animals ~ predatory birds
- fabulous animals ~ reptiles
- fabulous animals ~ rodents
- fabulous animals ~ shore-birds and wading-birds
- fabulous animals ~ song-birds
- fabulous animals ~ swimming mammals
- fabulous animals ~ tailless amphibians
- fabulous animals ~ tortoises
- fabulous animals ~ trunked animals
- fabulous animals ~ walker and runner birds
- fabulous animals ~ water-birds
- fabulous ferns
- fabulous flowers
- fabulous flowers (with NAME)
- fabulous fungi
- fabulous lichens
- fabulous lower plants
- fabulous mosses
- fabulous mushroom, fairy mushroom
- fabulous plants and herbs
- fabulous plants and herbs (with NAME)
- fabulous shrubs
- fabulous shrubs (with NAME)
- fabulous trees
- fabulous trees (with NAME)
- fabulous, clearly legendary extensions of Alexander the Great
- Facility
- factory in landscape
- factory in landscape - II - ideal landscapes
- faculties ~ university
- Fahrenheit (temperature scale)
- Faidra (Faidran taru)
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - attribuutit
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - lapsuus
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - syntymä
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - varhaisnuoruus
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Faidra (Faidran taru) - voitto
- Failure
- fainting, swooning
- fainting, swooning - BB - ulkona
- Faith, 'Fides'; 'Fede', 'Fede catholica', 'Fede christiana', 'Fede christiana catholica' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological Virtues
- Faith, 'Fides'; 'Fede', 'Fede catholica', 'Fede christiana', 'Fede christiana catholica' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological Virtues - MM - Virtues triumphant
- Faithfulness, 'Bona Fide'
- fall of Phaethon; he is struck by a thunderbolt of Jupiter
- fallen woman
- falling
- falling - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- falling from a tree
- falling of the idols ~ miracles during the flight into Egypt
- falling overboard
- falling through the air
- falling through the air - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- false beard or moustache
- false beard or moustache - AA - naiset
- False Church personified
- false Messiah ~ Jewish religion
- false prophets in sheep's clothing ~ parable of the good shepherd (Matthew 7:15)
- false prophets speak against Nehemiah
- false witnesses ~ trial of Christ
- Falsehood
- Falsely accused Innocence
- Falsification
- Falstaff
- Fama as Roman personification
- Fama spreads the rumour of Dido's love-affair
- Fame ~ artist
- Fame ~ writer, 'poeta laureatus'
- Fame; 'Fama', 'Fama buona', 'Fama chiara' (Ripa)
- family group, especially parents with their child(ren)
- family group, especially parents with their child(ren) (with NUMBER of children)
- family life in other circumstances than at home or on holiday
- family life on Sabbath
- family lineage, pedigree, genealogical tree or table
- family of the sovereign
- family of the sovereign - BB - naishallitsija
- family or group marriage ('Punalua')
- famine afflicts the city of Jerusalem ~ story of Zedekiah
- famine in Egypt (continued) (Genesis 47:13-26)
- famine in Egypt sets in
- fan
- fan
- fan language
- fancy fair
- fancy goods, knick-knacks
- fancy hieroglyphs, 'hieroglyphica'
- fancy letters
- fancy-cakes, fancy-pastries
- fancy-man
- fancy-man - CC - miesten prostituutio
- fanning (stirring up a fire)
- fantasia- ja tarukasvit (yleensä)
- fantasia-arkkitehtuuri, epärealistiset arkkitehtuuri-fantasiat
- Fantasos, uni, joka ilmenee elottomina objekteina tai esineinä
- fantastic plants, fabulous vegetation
- fantasy ornament
- Fantasy, Caprice; 'Capriccio' (Ripa)
- far-sightedness
- far-sightedness - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Farness
- farrier, shoeing-smith
- fashion designer
- fashion mongering
- fashion plates
- fashion show
- fashionable woman, 'belle'
- fast and all-night vigil (~ knighting ceremony)
- Fast Motion
- fasteners for clothes
- Fastidiousness, Epicurism
- fasting days ~ Jewish religion
- fasting ~ Islam, Mohammedanism
- fasting ~ non-Christian religions
- fasting ~ Roman religion
- fasting, abstinence from food ~ ascetic life
- fat (human type)
- fat and thin (human types)
- fat, lard
- Fata roomalaisena personifikaationa
- father and child(ren), man and child(ren) (family group)
- father and child(ren), man and child(ren) (family group) (with NUMBER of children)
- father and daughter(s) (family group)
- father and daughter(s) (family group) (with NUMBER of daughters)
- Father and Holy Ghost holding the crucified Christ (~ Trinity)
- father and son(s) (family group)
- father and son(s) (family group) (with NUMBER of sons)
- father of the ruler
- father of the ruler - BB - naishallitsija
- Father Time blowing out the lamp of life ~ scene symbolizing 'Vanitas'
- Father Time, man with wings and scythe
- father with daughter(s) (father-love)
- father with son(s) (father-love)
- father with son(s) and daughter(s) (father-love)
- father-love
- fathoming, sounding
- Fatigue, Lassitude; 'Lassitudine o Languidezza estiva' (Ripa)
- fattening (cattle)
- Faunus
- Faust
- Faustulus brings Romulus and Remus to his wife (Acca) Larentia, whose baby has just died
- Favour; 'Favore' (Ripa)
- favourable reputation; artistic fame
- favourite of the ruler
- favourite of the ruler - BB - female favourite
- fax machine
- façade of inner court
- fearing for his life Abraham says of his wife 'she is my sister'; Abimelech has Sarah brought to him
- Fearlessness, Intrepidity; 'Intrepidità & Costanza' (Ripa)
- feast of Corpus Christi
- feast of Holy Heart
- feast of the Circumcision of Christ
- feast of Transfiguration
- feasts and festivals in honour of the gods ~ non-Christian religions
- feasts and festivals in honour of the gods ~ non-Christian religions - BB - women only
- feasts of saints (and their relics)
- feature movie
- February and its 'labours'
- February and March (year divided into six seasons)
- February and March ~ human activities (year divided into six seasons)
- February and March ~ landscapes (year divided into six seasons)
- February and March ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (year divided into six seasons)
- February and March ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (year divided into six seasons)
- February represented by still life of flowers and/or fruits
- February ~ other concepts
- February; 'Febraro' (Ripa)
- feeding a baby
- feeding the hungry, 'esuriens cibatur' ~ one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy
- feeding the hungry, 'esuriens cibatur' ~ one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy - VV - Christ present
- feeding wild animals
- feeding wild animals in winter
- Feeling
- Feeling (opposing concepts)
- feeling pulse or heart-beat
- fellatio
- female angels
- female angels - GG - lower angel(s) without wings
- female impersonation by actor
- female infant
- female martyr dragged into a brothel
- female persons from the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context)
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context) - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects ~ female persons from the Old Testament
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context) - foundress, initiatrix ~ Old Testament
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context) - legendary/historical addition to life-story of female persons from the Old Testament
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context) - patroness, female intercessor ~ Old Testament
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context) - personal devotions of female persons from the Old Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context) - post-mortem occurrences of female persons from the Old Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- female persons from the Old Testament (with NAME) (not in biblical context) - relationships, etc. of female persons from the Old Testament
- female royal bastard
- female royal bastard - BB - naishallitsija
- female sutler, canteen-woman
- female Titans
- femininity
- femur, bone of the upper leg
- femur, bone of the upper leg - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
Vocabulary information
Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world.
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tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
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perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00