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- Gaal and his brothers are thrown out of Shechem by Zebul
- Gaal fights with Abimelech: he is defeated and chased back to Shechem
- Gaal sees the troops advancing; Zebul tells him that what he sees are the shadows of the mountains
- Gaal, son of Ebed, becomes leader of the rebellion against Abimelech
- Gabael comes to the feast
- Gabriel leaving Mary ~ Annunciation
- Gaia (Ge), Maa
- Gaius Fabricius, surnamed Luscinus, as an ambassador in Pyrrhus' camp; he bravely stands his ground as Pyrrhus suddenly draws aside a curtain to disclose an elephant
- Gaius Marius (Gaius Mariuksen taru)
- Gaius Marius (Gaius Mariuksen taru) - esitykset, joihin klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön NIMI voidaan yhdistää
- Gaius Marius (Gaius Mariuksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön muotokuva
- Gaius Marius (Gaius Mariuksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön rakkausjutut tai lemmenseikkailut
- Gaius Marius (Gaius Mariuksen taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön varhaislapsuus ja -nuoruus sekä kasvatus
- Gaius Marius (Gaius Mariuksen taru) - kuolemanjälkeiset tapahtumat ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Gaius Marius (Gaius Mariuksen taru) - tarunomaiset, selkeästi legendanomaiset lisäpiirteet ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Gaius Marius has Sextus L. Licinius thrown down the Tarpeian rock
- Gaius Mucius Scaevola before Porsena: he thrusts his right hand into the flames (the body of the king's secretary who erroneously had been killed instead of Porsena may be seen lying on the ground)
- Galahad
- Galanthis changed into a weasel: Juno changes Galanthis into a weasel for having deceived her about Alcmene's labour (Ovid, Metamorphoses IX 306)
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa)
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - attribuutit
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - jälkeläiset, kumppani(t), seuraajat jne.
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - keskeiset uroteot
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - kuolema
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - lapsuus
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - syntymä
- Galatea (Galatean taru); 'Galatea' (Ripa) - varhaisnuoruus
- Galatean voitto
- galaxies
- gall bladder
- gall bladder - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- galleries ~ theatre, etc.
- galleries ~ theatre, etc. - AA - open-air performances
- gallery (spacious corridor)
- gallery of sculptures
- galloping horse
- gamblers, who were mocking St. Philip Benizzi and his companions in the hills near Florence, are killed when lightning strikes a tree
- game bag
- game of forfeits
- game, hunted animals
- gamekeeper
- games at school
- games of calculation and chance, e.g.: card games, gambling, puzzles, etc.
- games of skill
- games using special objects (marbles, top, hoop, etc.)
- games without play material
- gaming den, gambling den
- gangboard, gangplank
- Ganymede as cup-bearer of the gods
- garage
- garbage collecting lorry, garbage truck
- garbage collection
- garden approach, garden drive
- garden buildings
- garden cascade
- Garden of Delights (sometimes called 'Hortus Deliciarum')
- Garden of Delights (sometimes called 'Hortus Deliciarum') - NN - triumph
- garden of medicinal herbs
- garden of Virtues
- garden pond
- garden vase
- gardening
- gardening-tools
- gardening-tools (with NAME)
- Gareth
- garment, 'ephod' of high priest ~ Jewish religion
- garrison
- Garuda, half man half bird
- Garuda, half man half bird - apotheosis, deification of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - attributes of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - birth of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - death of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - early life, prime youth of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - infancy, upbringing of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - love-affairs of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - most important deeds of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - non-aggressive, friendly or neutral activities and relationships of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - offspring, companion(s), train, etc. of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - specific aspects, allegorical aspects of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - suffering, misfortune of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - triumph of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird - veneration, honouring of non-Christian god or goddess
- Garuda, half man half bird, defeats the snakes by which his mother was held in slavery
- gas (state of matter)
- gas conduits
- gas extracted from coal
- gas extracted from the ground
- gas supply
- gas-lamp
- gasdynamics, aerodynamics
- gases liberated by combustion
- gasfitter
- gasholder, gas tank
- gasping for breath
- gasping for breath - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- gastronomy, the art of eating and drinking
- gasworks
- gate ~ fortified city
- gate, entrance
- gathering herbs
- gathering in the temple of Baal
- gathering of money for Jerusalem (Baruch 1:6)
- gathering of the Israelites at Mizpeh
- gathering of the Latin leaders which is interrupted by the report that the Trojans are moving against the city
- gathering of the waters below the firmament; dry land appears and produces all kinds of plants
- Gawain
- gear for legs and feet
- Gedaliah is killed while eating with Ishmael and his men (Jeremiah 41:1-2)
- Gedaliah is made governor of the land by Nebuchadnezzar at Mizpah
- Gedaliah persuades Johanan and some of the officers and soldiers who had not surrendered, to settle in Judah and serve the king of Babylon
- Gedaliah, governor of Judah (2 Kings 25:22-26)
- Gehazi fetches the Shunammite woman; when she sees her child alive she falls at Elisha's feet
- Gehazi is sent to the house with Elisha's staff; he attempts unsuccessfully to revive the child of the Shunammite woman
- Gehazi overtakes Naaman's chariot; he receives two talents and garments, which he conceals in Elisha's house
- Gehazi's punishment
- Gemini (zodiacal sign of May)
- general ideas ~ non-Christian religions
- general phenomena ~ magic and supernaturalism (spirits, ghosts, etc.)
- general principles of physics
- generally despised professions, 'unehrliche Leute'
- generosity of Joachim: Joachim distributing alms
- Generosity, Liberality; 'Generosità', 'Liberalità' (Ripa)
- genesis of island
- genesis of mountain chain, etc.
- genesis of the Milky Way (Juno suckling Hercules)
- genever, gin
- Genii (Roman tutelary spirits); 'Genio' (Ripa)
- genius
- genocide
- Genoveva
- genres ~ film
- genuflexion before a ruler
- genuflexion before a ruler - BB - naishallitsija
- geocentric theory (cosmology)
- geodesy, surveying
- geografia
- geologia
- geological phenomena
- geological-chronological division; geological era: Big Bang
- geological-chronological division; geological era: Cenozoic
- geological-chronological division; geological era: Paleozoic
- geological-chronological division; geological era: Tertiary
- geological-chronological division; historical geology; geological era
- geological-chronological division; historical geology; geological era (with NAME of period)
- geriatrics
- germaaniset ja skandinaaviset uskonnot
- Germination
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - attribuutit
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - keskeiset uroteot
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - kuolema
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - lapsuus
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - rakkausjutut, lemmenseikkailut
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - syntymä
- Geryon, jättiläinen, hirviö - varhaisnuoruus
- Geryon, the monster with three bodies and three heads, as personification of Concord
- gesture-language
- gesture-language - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- Getsemane, 'Öljymäki' (Matt. 26:36-56; Mark. 14:32-52; Luuk. 22:39-53; Joh. 18:1-12)
- getting lost; having lost one's way; losing one's way
- getting the devil's mark, e.g. imprint of devil's claw
- getting up from bed
- getting up from bed - BB - ulkona
- ghetto ~ anti-semitism
- Ghismonda
- ghost-ship, spectral ship
- giant wheel, Ferris wheel
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects of male persons from the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece - founder, initiator ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece - legendary/historical addition to life-story of male persons from the Old Testament
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece - other activities, relationships, etc. of male persons from the Old Testament
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece - patron, intercessor ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece - personal devotions of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Gideon (not in biblical context); possible attributes: bowl (full of dew), broken pitcher, helmet and armour, fleece - post-mortem occurrences of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Gideon and his army attack the Midianites (Judges 7:9-25)
- Gideon and ten servants destroy the altar of Baal, cut down the grove near it, build an altar to God on the rock, take a bullock and offer a burnt sacrifice
- Gideon and the angel of the Lord (Judges 6:11-24)
- Gideon asks and is given the ear-rings of the slain Midianites
- Gideon assembles the people for a raid against the Midianites (Judges 6:33-40)
- Gideon blows a trumpet, sends out messengers and assembles the people of Israel for a raid against the Midianites
- Gideon builds an altar to the Lord
- Gideon demands bread for his hungry soldiers
- Gideon dies and is buried
- Gideon divides his men into three companies
- Gideon is refused bread by the people of Penuel
- Gideon is refused bread by the people of Succoth
- Gideon kills Zebah and Zalmunna
- Gideon overhears a Midianite telling about his dream of a cake of barley bread
- Gideon presses the fleece and wrings out a bowl full of water
- Gideon punishes Succoth and Penuel
- Gideon pursues Zebah and Zalmunna, the two kings of Midian, and takes them prisoner
- Gideon refuses government over Israel
- Gideon takes away the ornaments that were on the camels' necks
- Gideon's army, three hundred warriors, take up victuals and their trumpets
- Gideon's fleece (alone)
- Gideon's men are selected before the raid against the Midianites (Judges 7:1-8)
- gifts being accepted
- gifts being refused
- gifts of clothing, gold and jewellery are offered to Rebekah's parents
- Giganttien taistelu jumalia vastaan: gigantomakhia
- Gihon (river of Paradise)
- gin-distiller
- Ginevra
- gipsy woman or gipsy handreading
- girding of the sword (~ knighting)
- girl (child between toddler and youth)
- Girlhood (alleg.)
- giro
- Giving
- giving alms or other charity, e.g.: handing out food
- giving alms; collection
- giving an 'ex voto'
- giving drink
- giving food
- giving hospitality ~ personal duties in Jewish life
- giving or receiving a name
- giving shelter to wild animals
- giving the thirsty to drink, 'sitiens potatur' ~ one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy
- giving the thirsty to drink, 'sitiens potatur' ~ one of the (seven) Acts of Mercy - VV - Christ present
- giving water, feeding (cattle)
- glacier
- glacier (in polar regions)
- glacier (in polar regions) - KK - ideal landscapes
- glacier - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- glade, 'Lichtung im Wald'
- glade, 'Lichtung im Wald' - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- glands
- glands - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- glass bell, glass cover ~ horticulture
- glass-maker
- Glaucus appeals to Circe for assistance
- Glaucus rises from the sea and prophesies to the sailing Argonauts (Philostratus, Imagines II 15)
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru)
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - attribuutit
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - lapsuus
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - rakkausjutut, lemmenseikkailut
- Glaukos, kalastaja, josta tuli merijumala (Glaukoksen taru) - syntymä
Vocabulary information
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tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
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perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00