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- haaksirikko
- haaremi
- haarukka
- Habakkuk communicating with God (Habakkuk 1)
- Habakkuk is told to write his vision (Habakkuk 2:2)
- Habakkuk ~ Ezekiel's vision of God
- Habakkuk's prayer (Habakkuk 3)
- Habakkuk's prophecies
- Habbakuk's prophecies (with BOOK CHAPTER:VERSE)
- habit, frock
- hacking and thrusting weapons: dagger
- hacking and thrusting weapons: rapier
- hackle
- hackling ~ textile industry
- Hadad expels the Israelites from Edom and becomes king
- Hadad, son of the king of Edom, escapes to Egypt
- Hadeksen sisäänkäynnit
- Hadeksen tuomarit
- Hadeksen virrat
- Hades, manala
- Haemon kills himself
- Haemon, Creon's son and betrothed to Antigone, forces his way into the tomb and finds her dead
- haff, lagoon created by sand, shingle bank ~ coast
- haff, lagoon created by sand, shingle bank ~ coast - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- Hagar (not in biblical context)
- Hagar (not in biblical context) - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects ~ female persons from the Old Testament
- Hagar (not in biblical context) - foundress, initiatrix ~ Old Testament
- Hagar (not in biblical context) - legendary/historical addition to life-story of female persons from the Old Testament
- Hagar (not in biblical context) - patroness, female intercessor ~ Old Testament
- Hagar (not in biblical context) - personal devotions of female persons from the Old Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Hagar (not in biblical context) - post-mortem occurrences of female persons from the Old Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Hagar (not in biblical context) - relationships, etc. of female persons from the Old Testament
- Hagar and Ishmael (often with bow and arrow) depart
- Hagar and Ishmael in the wilderness
- Hagar flees into the desert
- Hagar ill-treated by Sarah
- Hagar returns to Abraham
- Hagar sits weeping after having put Ishmael under a bush to die
- Hagar, who is with child, despises the barren Sarah
- Hagen
- Haggai's prophecies
- Haggai's prophecies (with BOOK CHAPTER:VERSE)
- Haggai, urged by God, exhorts Zerubbabel and Joshua to resume the building of the temple (Haggai 1:1-11)
- hail
- hair raised
- hair shirt ~ ascetic life
- hair-cutting
- hair-cutting - AA - naiset
- hairdress
- hairdress - AA - naiset
- hairdresser
- hairdresser - AA - naiset
- hajuaisti, haistaminen (yhtenä viidestä aistista)
- hajuaisti, haistaminen (yhtenä viidestä aistista) - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- half or three-quarter figure of the Man of Sorrows
- half-column, pilaster ~ architecture
- half-length figures of Mary and the angel ~ Annunciation
- half-light
- hall with distorting mirrors
- hall-mark (control of quality)
- hallintoelimet
- hallitsija, yksinvaltias
- hallitsija, yksinvaltias - BB - naishallitsija
- hallitsijaperhe, ja hoviväki
- hallitsijaperhe, ja hoviväki - BB - naishallitsija
- hallitus ja edustuselimet
- hallitus, valtiovalta, valtio; 'Politica', 'Auttorità o Potestà' (Ripa)
- hallitusjärjestelmät
- Halloween, All Hallow's Eve (October 31)
- Halu ja Haluttomuus
- Halu ja Haluttomuus (opposing concepts)
- Halu; 'Desiderio' (Ripa)
- Haluttomuus
- ham
- Haman begs Esther for his life
- Haman begs Esther for his life - QQ - Mordecai present
- Haman entreats Ahasuerus to issue a decree that all the Jews are to be put to death; Ahasuerus consents and yields his signet-ring to Haman
- Haman on the gallows
- Haman's discomfiture: Ahasuerus orders the royal robes and his horse to be bestowed on Mordecai
- Haman's plot against the Jews (Esther 3)
- Haman's promotion
- Haman's wrath: he decides to kill all the Jews of the kingdom
- Haman, after leaving the banquet encounters Mordecai at the entrance of the palace; the latter refuses to show him any sign of respect
- Hamlet, Tanskan prinssi
- hammock
- Hamor and Shechem come to Jacob, whose sons have just come in from the fields, to ask for Dinah in marriage; the sons agree on condition that the Shechemites will be circumcised
- Hananiah prophesies falsely in the temple and breaks Jeremiah's wooden yoke
- hand behind the head
- hand behind the head - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand holding the breast
- hand holding the breast - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand in the pocket
- hand in the pocket - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand in the sleeve
- hand in the sleeve - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand made into a fist
- hand made into a fist - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand not visible
- hand not visible - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand on breast (or stomach), slipped into opening of vestment
- hand on breast (or stomach), slipped into opening of vestment - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand on shoulder (friends)
- hand on the heart
- hand on the heart - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand on the hip
- hand on the hip - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand shovel-board
- hand striking the chest
- hand striking the chest - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand touching beard (swearing an oath)
- hand touching beard (swearing an oath) - GG - woman touching her braids
- hand touching the beard
- hand touching the beard - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand towards the forehead
- hand towards the forehead - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand uncovering the chest
- hand uncovering the chest - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand with the fingers spread out ~ Jewish blessing
- hand(s) behind the head
- hand(s) behind the head - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand(s) bent towards the head
- hand(s) bent towards the head - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand(s) towards the ear(s)
- hand(s) towards the ear(s) - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand(s) towards the eye(s)
- hand(s) towards the eye(s) - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand(s) towards the mouth
- hand(s) towards the mouth - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand(s) towards the nose
- hand(s) towards the nose - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- hand, 'Dextera Dei' ~ symbol of God the Father
- hand, arm of justice (symbol of sovereignty)
- hand, arm of justice (symbol of sovereignty) - BB - naishallitsija
- hand-cart
- hand-print
- hand-print - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hand-to-hand fighting (~ battle)
- handball
- handbill
- handcuffs
- handicrafts ~ animal material
- handicrafts ~ clay, sand, chalk
- handicrafts ~ drink
- handicrafts ~ glass
- handicrafts ~ metal
- handicrafts ~ plant material
- handicrafts ~ precious and semi-precious stones
- handicrafts ~ production of food, drink, stimulants, etc.
- handicrafts ~ stimulants
- handicrafts ~ stone
- handicrafts ~ wood, timber
- handicrafts, hobbies (leisure time activities)
- handing over a bill of divorce ~ Jewish customs
- handling of weapons ~ military training
- handmill
- hands against each other
- hands folded
- hands folded with fingers knit
- hands on top of each other
- hands with finger-tips against each other
- handwriting, writing as activity
- hangar
- hanging by one arm
- hanging by one arm - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging by one leg
- hanging by one leg - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging by other parts of the body
- hanging by other parts of the body - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging by the arms
- hanging by the arms - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging by the hair
- hanging by the hair - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging by the legs
- hanging by the legs - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging by the teeth
- hanging by the teeth - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging clothes
- hanging figure (by the arms, legs, etc.)
- hanging figure (by the arms, legs, etc.) - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- hanging gardens of Semiramis at Babylon (Wonder of the World)
- hanging the wash to dry
- hanhet (vesilinnut kotieläiminä)
- Hannah goes to the temple
- Hannah has three more sons and two daughters after Samuel
- Hannah prays in the temple and vows to give her child to the Lord
- Hannah's prayer and song of thankfulness
- Hannah's prayer in the temple of Shiloh
- Hannibal (Hannibalin taru)
- Hannibal (Hannibalin taru) - esitykset, joihin klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön NIMI voidaan yhdistää
- Hannibal (Hannibalin taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön aggressiiviset suhteet
- Hannibal (Hannibalin taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön muotokuva
- Hannibal (Hannibalin taru) - klassiseen historiaan liittyvän henkilön rakkausjutut tai lemmenseikkailut
- Hannibal (Hannibalin taru) - kuolemanjälkeiset tapahtumat ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Hannibal (Hannibalin taru) - tarunomaiset, selkeästi legendanomaiset lisäpiirteet ~ klassiseen historiaan liittyvä henkilö
- Hannibal crosses the Alps with his army and his elephants
- Hannibal has Marcellus honoured with a magnificent funeral
- Hannibal with the head of Hasdrubal, which was thrown into his camp by the Romans
- Hanno of Carthage teaches birds to sing 'Hanno is a god' and then releases them, but the birds, once free, forget what they had been taught (the same story is told of Psaphon from Libya, but then the birds do not forget)
- Hanun, king of the Ammonites, mistreats David's messengers: their beards are shaven off and their clothes are cut off
- happening ~ näyttämö
- Happiness, Felicity
- happy marriage
- Haran, Abraham's brother, having witnessed the miracle, decides to undergo the test of fire as well, but is immediately consumed
- harbour equipment
- harbouring
- Hardness
- hare-hunting, rabbit-hunting
- hare-lip
- hare-lip - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Harmonia
- Harmonia's robe and necklace are dedicated to Apollo at Delphi
- Harmonia, Säännöllisyys
- harmonious sound, harmony, consonance
- harness
- Harpocrates
- harppu
- harppu - CC - ulkoilmassa, ulkona
- harpy (fabulous bird); 'Arpie' (Ripa)
- Harpyijat (klassinen mytologia)
- harrowing
- Hasidism ~ Jewish sects
- Haste
- Hatach reporting to Esther
- hatter
- hauta
- hautaaminen, hautajaisseremoniat
- hautajaiset
- hautakappeli
- hautakivi
- hautausmaa
- hautausmaa (ja muut vastaavat rakennelmat)
- hautausmaa (ja muut vastaavat rakennelmat) - II - ideal landscapes
- having asked for a sign Gideon prepares food and presents it in a basket to the angel
- having thrown a cup at Attalus during a banquet, Alexander quarrels with his father Philip, who threatens Alexander with his sword
- having to leave Arcadia, Alcmaeon is purified again by the river-god Achelous; he marries Achelous' daughter Callirrhoe and promises her the necklace of Harmonia
- having witnessed an evil deed of his brothers, Joseph reports it to his father
- hay-stack
- Hazael becomes king of Syria
- Hazael comes to Elisha with forty camels and many gifts
- Hazael kills Benhadad: he soaks a cloth in water and smothers the king with it
- Hazael of Syria conquers the Israelite territory east of the Jordan
- he-goat, billy-goat
- head (internal)
- head (internal) - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- head bent backwards
- head bent backwards - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- head bent forward; bowing
- head bent forward; bowing - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- head held in the hand(s), with elbows leaning on an elevation or on the knees
- head held in the hand(s), with elbows leaning on an elevation or on the knees - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
Vocabulary information
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Last modified
tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
Date issued
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00