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- Ubaldo
- Uehottomuus, Tuloksettomuus, Menetetty Työ(voima), Haaskattu Työ(voima)
- ufo, lentävä lautanen
- ugly old man
- ugly old woman, hag
- Ugolino
- Uhri, Uhraus
- uimaranta (virkistäytymispaikkana)
- uiminen (urheilu)
- ukkosmyrsky, salamointi
- ulcer
- ulcer - AA - epidemic diseases
- ulkoavaruuden oliot
- ulkoilmaesitykset (markkinat)
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - apotheosis, glory, triumph of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - baptism, consecration, taking vows of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - beatification, canonization of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - death, deathbed of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - early life of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - erityispiirteet ~ miespuolinen pyhimys
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - finding, transportation of relics of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - male saint as founder of Order
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - male saint meditating, in ecstasy
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - male saint protecting devotees with cloak, 'Schutzmantel'
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - male saint writing, studying, teaching, dictating (e.g. as Doctor of the Church)
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - male saint ~ confirmation of Order, approval of Rule(s)
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - maltreatment of corpse of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - miespuolinen pyhimys osana ryhmää
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - miespuolinen pyhimys suojelijana, puolustajana
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - miespuolisen pyhimyksen katumusharjoitukset
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - miespuolisen pyhimyksen kiusaukset
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - miespuolisen pyhimyksen martyyrius, kärsimys, onnettomuus, kuolema
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - miespuolisen pyhimyksen näyt
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - miracles occurring during handling of relics of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - non-miraculous activities and events ~ male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - portrait of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - post-mortem occurrences ~ male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - posthumous deeds, appearances of male saints
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - pyhimyksen henkilökohtainen pyhittäytyminen Jumalalle (rukoilu ym.)
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - renouncing worldly goods, ascetic life of male saint
- Ulrich, bishop of Augsburg; possible attributes: fish, rat - vocation, conversion of male saint
- Ulysses (Odysseus) wooing and marrying Penelope
- Ulysses and Diomedes intercept and kill Dolon, a Trojan spy
- Ulysses and Diomedes kill Rhesus and his companions and take away his horses
- Ulysses and Diomedes raid the Trojan lines at night
- Ulysses and his companions in the land of the Cyclopes (Homer, Odyssey IX)
- Ulysses and his men in the land of the lotus-eaters (Homer, Odyssey IX)
- Ulysses and his men slip away concealed under rams
- Ulysses and Penelope exchange their news in bed
- Ulysses and Telemachus back in Ithaca
- Ulysses and the ghost of Tiresias, who tells him about the future
- Ulysses at Alcinous' court
- Ulysses at the house of Circe; she begs for mercy after Ulysses has resisted her drugged cup
- Ulysses awakes on the shore where the Phaeacians left him; Minerva disguises him as an old beggar (Homer, Odyssey XIII)
- Ulysses before Helen in Troy
- Ulysses builds a raft
- Ulysses comes to the land of the Laestrygones, the cannibal giants, who devour some of Ulysses' comrades and destroy their ships (Homer, Odyssey X)
- Ulysses departs from the island of Circe and passes through a series of dangers, which Circe had warned him about (Homer, Odyssey XII)
- Ulysses escapes from Charybdis by clinging to a fig-tree
- Ulysses feigns madness: he ploughs with an ox and an ass yoked together, and at the same time sows salt; Palamedes places the young Telemachus in front of the plough, which makes Ulysses give in
- Ulysses gets the arms of Achilles
- Ulysses goes to the town
- Ulysses in Ithaca
- Ulysses in the underworld (Homer, Odyssey XI)
- Ulysses is cast ashore on the island of Scheria
- Ulysses is kindly received by the nymph Calypso on the island of Ogygia (Homer, Odyssey XII)
- Ulysses is recognized by Euryclea while she is washing his feet
- Ulysses is recognized by his dog Argus
- Ulysses longs for home
- Ulysses meets Eumaeus, the old swine-herd, and goes to the latter's hut (Homer, Odyssey XIV)
- Ulysses meets his father Laertes, who is hoeing in the vineyard
- Ulysses meets the ghosts of numerous queens, princesses, heroes, comrades, including his mother Anticlea
- Ulysses offers wine to Polyphemus
- Ulysses on the island of Circe (Homer, Odyssey X)
- Ulysses or Ajax carries Achilles' corpse from the battle-field
- Ulysses passes Scylla and Charybdis; Scylla devours six of his men
- Ulysses receives a bag containing the adverse winds
- Ulysses sails on his raft (Homer, Odyssey V)
- Ulysses seizes the bow, strings it and shoots through the twelve axe-rings
- Ulysses tells of his wanderings
- Ulysses wins Hecuba as his prize
- Ulysses with Aeolus (Homer, Odyssey X)
- Ulysses with his father Laertes
- Ulysses with the Phaeacians (Homer, Odyssey VI-VIII)
- Ulysses' body is brought by Telegonus to his mother Circe for burial
- Ulysses' companions are changed into all kinds of animals
- Ulysses' companions changed into swine: when they drink from the cup offered by Circe, the enchantress, Ulysses' companions change into swine (Ovid, Metamorphoses XIV 276)
- Ulysses' fight with Irus, the beggar (Homer, Odyssey XVIII)
- Ulysses' piratical raid on the Cicones at Ismarus (Homer, Odyssey IX)
- Ulysses' ship is destroyed by Jupiter's lightning; only Ulysses gets off, and is safely carried back to Charybdis on the mast
- Ulysses' wanderings: from Calypso to the Phaeacians
- Ulysses, assisted by Telemachus, kills the suitors (Homer, Odyssey XXII)
- Ulysses, at the banquet with the suitors, is ridiculed again (Homer, Odyssey XX)
- Ulysses, shrouded in a cloud by Minerva, comes to town, where he meets King Alcinous and Queen Arete
- Ulysses, still in beggar's guise, arrives in the palace
- Ulysses, tied to the mast of his ship, passes the Sirens
- Ulysses, waiting sword in hand, sees the ghost of Elpenor
- Unbelief, 'Infidelitas'
- Uncertainty
- Unclarity, Imprecision
- unconsciousness
- unconsciousness - BB - ulkona
- under the guidance of Loki the blind god Höd wounds Balder mortally with his arrow
- under the influence of Matthew, Egippus' daughter Ephigenie and other maidens refuse to marry
- under the leadership of Sheshbazzar (Zerubbabel) the Jews return to their country
- underclothes and nightwear
- underclothes for the lower part of the body
- underclothes for the lower part of the body (with NAME)
- underclothes for the lower part of the body: corset
- underclothes for the upper part of the body
- underclothes for the upper part of the body (with NAME)
- underclothes for the upper part of the body: corset
- underclothes for the whole body
- underclothes for the whole body (with NAME)
- underground movement, partisans
- underground shelters
- underground station
- underground structures in city
- underground structures in city - II - ideal city
- Understanding and Misunderstanding
- Understanding and Misunderstanding (opposing concepts)
- Understanding, Comprehension; 'Apprehensiva' (Ripa)
- undertaker, mortician
- undressing oneself, getting undressed
- undressing oneself, getting undressed - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- unemployed labourers
- unemployed labourers - AA - naiset
- unemployment
- unemployment - AA - naiset
- unen jumalat (Oneiroi) (Morfeus, Fobetor, Fantasos)
- unequal couple, ill-matched couple
- unequal partners
- Unfaithfulness, 'Mala fide'
- unfavourable reputation (of artist)
- Unfriendliness
- unguarded level-crossing (railway, tramway)
- Unhappiness; 'Infelicità' (Ripa)
- unharnessing
- unhitched animal(s) beside wagon
- uni, unennäkö
- unicellular animals, bacteria, bacilli
- unicellular animals, bacteria, bacilli - FF - fabulous animals (sometimes wrongly called 'grotesques'); 'Mostri' (Ripa)
- unicorn caught by a virgin, 'Chasse à la licorne'
- unidentifiable plant forms ~ ornament
- unidentifiable plant forms ~ ornament - AA - stylized
- uniform cap
- Uniformity
- uniformly spread high-hanging haze
- unilateral friendship
- Unimportance
- Unity ~ characteristic of the True Church
- Universality
- university building, college
- university diploma
- university education
- university organization
- Unlimited Space
- unmarried mother
- unnatural aging
- Unnecessity, Superfluity
- Unpreparedness
- unprofessional or illegal practice, popular medicine
- unravelling, untying (industrial processes)
- Unreasonableness
- Unrequited Love
- Unrest, Restlessness, Inquietude; 'Inquietudine' (Ripa)
- Unscrupulousness
- Unselfishness
- unsuccessful love affair; seduction
- unsuccessful revolution or revolt, suppression of revolutionary activity
- Untrustworthiness, Unreliability
- untying a knot
- unusual means of transport
- unusual objects (plants, stones, etc.) ~ freak show
- unusual representations of the Last Supper, e.g.: the apostles replaced by other people
- unusual solar phenomena: parhelion or mock sun, spots on solar halo, etc.
- Unwillingness
- Unworthiness
- upholstering
- upholstery (of a room)
- upper arm
- upper arm - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Upper House, Senate
- upper leg
- upper leg - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- upper ten
- upright figures of Mary without the Christ-child
- upright gravestone
- Urania (one of the Muses); 'Urania' (Ripa)
- Uranuksen ja Gaian jälkeläiset (Titaanit, Kykloopit, Centimanit
- Uranus (planet)
- Uranus, Uranos (Caelus), Taivas
- urbaani elämä, kaupunkilaiselämä
- urheilu, pelit ja fyysiset esitykset
- Uriah gives David's letter to Joab
- Uriah is killed in the battle
- Uriah sleeps at the door of David's palace
- Uriah's death
- urinal (and basket)
- urination
- urination - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Use
- use of forceps (difficult and unusual birth)
- use of Holy Water (on entering or leaving the church)
- Use of Property
- Use of Property (opposing concepts)
- use of the house
- useampi tanssiva pari
- using scents, perfumes, ointments, etc.
- using scents, perfumes, ointments, etc. - AA - naiset
- Usko
- uskovainen
- usurpation
- usurpation - BB - naishallitsija
- uterus with foetus
- uterus with foetus - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- utilitarian, public pump or water fountain
- Utility, Usefulness; 'Utilità' (Ripa)
- Utopia
- Uudelleensyntyminen, Uudestisyntyminen, Jälleensyntyminen
- Uuden Testamentin henkilöt (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä)
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä)
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä)
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects of male persons from the New Testament (not in biblical context)
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - founder, initiator ~ the New Testament (not in biblical context)
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - legendary/historical addition to life-story of male persons from the New Testament
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - other activities, relationships, etc. of male persons from the New Testament
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - patron, intercessor ~ the New Testament (not in biblical context)
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - personal devotions of male persons from the New Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Uuden Testamentin mieshenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - post-mortem occurrences of male persons from the New Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä)
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä)
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects ~ female persons from the New Testament
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - foundress, initiatrix ~ New Testament
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - legendary/historical addition to life-story of female persons from the New Testament
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - patroness, female intercessor ~ New Testament
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - personal devotions of female persons from the New Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - post-mortem occurrences of female persons from the New Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Uuden Testamentin naishenkilöt (NIMEN kanssa) (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä) - relationships, etc. of female persons from the New Testament
- uurna
- Uusi Jerusalem
- uusi taivas ja uusi maa ~ Johanneksen ilmestys
- Uusi Testamentti
- Uzziah grows arrogant and defies God by burning incense on the altar; Azariah, the priest, resists him and as the king gets angry, leprosy breaks out on his forehead
- Uzziah wages war against the Philistines
- Uzziah's impiety
- Uzziah's public achievements
Vocabulary information
Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world.
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Last modified
tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
Date issued
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00