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... > Society, Civilization, Culture > social and economic life, transport and communication > communal life > social stratification, social groups > nobility and patriciate; chivalry, knighthood > men of name or fame, heroes, 'homines illustres', 'uomini famosi' > men of name or fame, heroes, 'homines illustres', 'uomini famosi' - AA - women of name or fame, heroines, 'femmes célèbres', 'les neuf preuses'

Preferred term

46AA127men of name or fame, heroes, 'homines illustres', 'uomini famosi' - AA - women of name or fame, heroines, 'femmes célèbres', 'les neuf preuses'  


  • chivalry
  • civilization
  • class
  • community
  • culture
  • fame
  • femmes célèbres
  • hero
  • homines illustres
  • knighthood
  • neuf preuses (les)
  • nine
  • nobility
  • patriciate
  • social stratification
  • society
  • stratification
  • uomini famosi
  • woman


  • 46AA127


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