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Raamattu > Vanha Testamentti > story of Elisha (Eliseus) > the confounding of the Syrians ~ story of Elisha (2 Kings 6:8-23) > Elisha warns the Israelite king of the ambushes planned by the Syrian king, who consequently sends troops to capture the prophet

Preferred term

71N31Elisha warns the Israelite king of the ambushes planned by the Syrian king, who consequently sends troops to capture the prophet  


  • Elisa
  • ennustaja
  • epäjärjestys
  • joukot (sot)
  • kuningas
  • Kuninkaiden kirja-2 06
  • profeetta
  • raamattu
  • sekaannus
  • sekasorto
  • syyrialaiset
  • väijytys
  • Vanha testamentti
  • varoitus


  • 71N31


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