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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > female saints > female saints (with NAME) > the Alsatian royal abbess Odilia of Hohenburg; possible attributes: baptismal font, cock, crown, eyes (on book or dish) > miraculous activities and events ~ St. Odilia > St. Odilia, kneeling down in prayer, releases the soul of her father, duke Attich, from purgatory; an angel pulls the duke out of the flames, while devils try to draw him back
... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > female saints > female saints (with NAME) > the Alsatian royal abbess Odilia of Hohenburg; possible attributes: baptismal font, cock, crown, eyes (on book or dish) > miraculous activities and events ~ St. Odilia > St. Odilia, kneeling down in prayer, releases the soul of her father, duke Attich, from purgatory; an angel pulls the duke out of the flames, while devils try to draw him back

Preferred term

11HH(ODILIA)51St. Odilia, kneeling down in prayer, releases the soul of her father, duke Attich, from purgatory; an angel pulls the duke out of the flames, while devils try to draw him back  


  • abbess
  • angel
  • baptismal font
  • book
  • Christian religion
  • cock
  • crown
  • devil
  • dish
  • eye
  • flame
  • kneeling
  • Odilia (St.)
  • praying
  • pulling
  • purgatory
  • queen
  • releasing
  • religion
  • saint
  • soul
  • supernatural
  • woman


  • 11HH(ODILIA)51


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