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... > Raamattu > Vanha Testamentti > kertomus Saulista > Saul chosen as king (1 Samuel 9-12) > Samuel ja Saul > Saul's return to his father's house > Saul meets two men near Rachel's grave, who tell him that the asses have been found

Preferred term

71G1141Saul meets two men near Rachel's grave, who tell him that the asses have been found  


  • hauta
  • kaksi
  • kohtaaminen
  • koti
  • kotiseutu
  • palaaminen
  • paluu
  • Raakelin hauta
  • raamattu
  • Samuel
  • Samuelin kirja-1 09-12
  • Saul
  • tapaaminen
  • Vanha testamentti


  • 71G1141


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