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... > klassinen mytologia ja antiikin historia > luomismyytit: kosmogonia, teogonia, ihmisen synty ja luominen > ihmisen alkuperä, synty > Prometheus (Prometheuksen taru) > non-aggressive, friendly or neutral activities and relationships of Prometheus > Prometheus, having to arbitrate in the question, which part of the victim should be offered to the gods, cheats Jupiter with an oxhide filled with bones and fat

Preferred term

91E453Prometheus, having to arbitrate in the question, which part of the victim should be offered to the gods, cheats Jupiter with an oxhide filled with bones and fat  


  • alkuperä
  • härän nahka
  • härän vuota
  • historia
  • Jupiter
  • klassinen antiikin kausi
  • kosmogonia
  • lihava
  • luominen
  • luu
  • muinaishistoria
  • mytologia
  • nahka
  • Prometheus
  • rasva
  • teogonia
  • välimiesmenettely
  • välitystuomio
  • vuota


  • 91E453


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