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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > Mark (Marcus) the evangelist, and bishop of Alexandria; possible attributes: book, (winged) lion, pen and inkhorn, scroll > miraculous activities and events ~ St. Mark > the saints Mark, George and Nicholas rescue Venice from a flood by exorcizing devil(s) from a boat during a storm; a fisherman is presented with Mark's ring

Preferred term

11H(MARK)52the saints Mark, George and Nicholas rescue Venice from a flood by exorcizing devil(s) from a boat during a storm; a fisherman is presented with Mark's ring  


  • boat
  • book
  • Christian religion
  • devil
  • evangelist
  • exorcizing
  • fisherman
  • flood
  • George (St.)
  • ink-horn
  • lion
  • Mark (St.)
  • Nicholas of Myra (St.)
  • offering
  • pen
  • religion
  • ring
  • saint
  • scroll
  • storm at sea
  • supernatural
  • Venice


  • 11H(MARK)52


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