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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > gods ~ classical mythology > gods of the underworld > (story of) Pluto (Hades), Dis Pater, Orcus > love-affairs of Pluto > Pluto in love with Proserpina > the rape of Proserpina (by Pluto in his chariot); possibly with Diana and Minerva trying to rescue her

Preferred term

92N1231the rape of Proserpina (by Pluto in his chariot); possibly with Diana and Minerva trying to rescue her  


  • abducting
  • ancient history
  • chariot
  • classical antiquity
  • Diana
  • gods
  • history
  • love-affair
  • Minerva
  • mythology
  • Pluto
  • Proserpina
  • rescuing
  • underworld


  • 92N1231


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