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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > the Theban wars: the Seven against Thebes and the Epigoni > the Seven against Thebes: the first Theban war > the departure (of the Seven) for Thebes > Amphiaraus being reluctant, Polynices bribes Eriphyle, Amphiaraus' wife, with the necklace formerly belonging to Harmonia; Eriphyle discloses Amphiaraus' hiding-place and he is thus compelled to join the enterprise

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94B122Amphiaraus being reluctant, Polynices bribes Eriphyle, Amphiaraus' wife, with the necklace formerly belonging to Harmonia; Eriphyle discloses Amphiaraus' hiding-place and he is thus compelled to join the enterprise  


  • Amphiaraus
  • ancient history
  • bribing
  • classical antiquity
  • cycle
  • departing
  • epic
  • Eriphyle
  • Greek legend
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • hiding
  • hiding oneself
  • history
  • husband and wife
  • legend
  • mythology
  • necklace
  • Polynices
  • seven
  • Theban war
  • Thebes
  • war


  • 94B122


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