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dripping (technique)  


  • "Technique of creating paintings by dripping or pouring paint in a semi-controlled manner onto the support." (The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Drip Painting’)


  • The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Drip Painting’, Art & Architecture Thesaurus Full Record Display (Getty Research), 25 January 2021. [Date of Access, 1 Aug. 2023].

Gehört zur Gruppe


  • Jona Schlegel
  • Stefan Wogrin


  • "Dripping" in the context of graffiti refers to a technique employed by a graffitist where paint or ink is allowed to drip down the surface of the graffito intentionally. This technique can be used to create a variety of effects, from adding texture and depth to a piece, to conveying a sense of motion or spontaneity. The use of dripping can also be seen as a form of rebellion against traditional artistic norms, which often value precision and control. By allowing the paint or ink to drip, the graffitist embraces unpredictability and the inherent messiness of the medium. This can give the graffito a raw, organic feel that reflects the often spontaneous and illicit nature of graffiti creation.


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