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halls of fame (graffiti)  


  • hall of fame (graffiti)


  • Jona Schlegel
  • Stefan Wogrin


  • A 'Hall of Fame' in the context of graffiti refers to a well-known area where numerous graffiti works are created and displayed. Unlike a traditional art gallery, these spaces are not curated; instead, they serve as open canvases where graffitists are free to express their creativity and leave their mark. These areas often become significant within the graffiti community, acting as communal galleries where one can observe a variety of graffiti from different graffitists. They offer a snapshot of the local graffiti-scape, showcasing the diversity of styles, techniques, and themes present within the community. While the term 'Hall of Fame' is also used in the Getty AAT to refer to a built environment, its usage within the graffiti community is more fluid and open to interpretation. It can refer to any space, whether indoor or outdoor, that has become a hotspot for graffiti creation and display. The classification of 'Hall of Fame' within the broader taxonomy of graffiti concepts may require further discussion, given its unique characteristics and significance within the graffiti culture.


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