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  • graffitist


  • "Refers to people who create humorous, satiric, obscene, or gang-related writings or drawings that are executed anonymously in public places, usually on walls and typically illegally." (The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Graffiti Artists’)


  • The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Graffiti Artists’, Art & Architecture Thesaurus Full Record Display (Getty Research), 25 January 2021. [Date of Access, 1 Aug. 2023].

Belongs to group


  • Jona Schlegel
  • Stefan Wogrin

Editorial note

  • A 'graffitist' is an individual who engages in the creation of graffiti. This term is used to denote those who actively participate in the graffiti-scape, contributing to its richness and diversity through their unique expressions and styles. Graffitists are often characterised by their ability to manipulate traditional and non-traditional mediums to create visually striking designs in public, communal, and even private spaces. They employ a range of techniques and styles, from simple tags to complex murals, showcasing their creativity and skill. However, the role of a graffitist extends beyond the physical act of creating graffiti. Graffitists are also cultural participants and communicators, using their work to engage with their community, express their identity, and comment on societal issues. It's important to note that the term 'graffitist' is not synonymous with 'artist'. While graffitists engage in a form of creative expression, their work exists within its own unique cultural and aesthetic context, separate from traditional art paradigms.


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 5/17/23, last modified 8/10/23