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Concept information

Preferred term

reverse graffiti (writing)  

Broader concept

Entry terms

  • clean advertising
  • clean graffiti
  • clean graffito
  • graffiti, reverse
  • graffito, reverse
  • green graffiti
  • green graffito
  • reverse graffito (writing)

History note

  • English artist Paul Curtis (aka Moose) is one of the first street artists to make a piece using the reverse graffiti technique. The first large-scale reverse graffiti piece was made by Alexandre Orion in 2006.

Belongs to group


  • Jona Schlegel
  • Stefan Wogrin

Editorial note

  • "Reverse graffiti (writing)" refers to a unique form of graffiti that is created by removing dirt or grime from a surface, rather than adding paint or other materials. This technique often involves the use of stencils and cleaning tools, such as power washers, rags, or even toothbrushes. The resulting images or messages are temporary or semi-permanent, depending on the surface and the environmental conditions. This form of graffiti has been used for both artistic expression and advertising, with its legality varying depending on the jurisdiction. It's worth noting that this type is also known as "clean graffiti," "green graffiti," or "clean advertising."


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